An ice cream truck just drove by my apartment. An excellent sign of things on the a lower heating bill.
So I'm spending tonight at home... Plan on washing some dishes, straightening a couple random things and setting my sick self down to veg watching movies, sniffling and finishing the CD reorganization (only 150 left to re-shuffle). AmazonRed13 was kind enough to loan me the 1st season of Family Guy on DVD. I've saw it when it originally aired but, a second time certainly won't hurt. I still have several movies from the library that don't have to be returned until Monday. Of those, I may bust out with 'Confessions of a Dangerous Mind'. It was something that caught my interest when it was out & Sam Rockwell is pretty awesome overall!
Other random occurences: I've caught the beginnings of random fights this week that were out of character, or at least out of place... The most impressive had been when AlienPrincess and I dropped by the North Haven Barnes & Noble for coffee and book drooling. As I was browsing through the magazines, two chess players at a nearby table began spewing unchess-like move suggestions to one another.
I'd never considered the possibility for tempers to flair in Chess to that degree, especially somewhere as mundane as a B&N cafe.
So what are your Easter plans? Family shite, working like me or just lounging around your abode, biting the heads off chocolate rabbits?
If you're aiming to dump those black jelly beans on someone, please stop back!
So I'm spending tonight at home... Plan on washing some dishes, straightening a couple random things and setting my sick self down to veg watching movies, sniffling and finishing the CD reorganization (only 150 left to re-shuffle). AmazonRed13 was kind enough to loan me the 1st season of Family Guy on DVD. I've saw it when it originally aired but, a second time certainly won't hurt. I still have several movies from the library that don't have to be returned until Monday. Of those, I may bust out with 'Confessions of a Dangerous Mind'. It was something that caught my interest when it was out & Sam Rockwell is pretty awesome overall!
Other random occurences: I've caught the beginnings of random fights this week that were out of character, or at least out of place... The most impressive had been when AlienPrincess and I dropped by the North Haven Barnes & Noble for coffee and book drooling. As I was browsing through the magazines, two chess players at a nearby table began spewing unchess-like move suggestions to one another.
So what are your Easter plans? Family shite, working like me or just lounging around your abode, biting the heads off chocolate rabbits?
And the G5? Yeah I do need it, and who can resist brushed stainless steel? I can't.
Happy (B)easter!
i hope you and yr beloved ap are enjoying some good easter togetherness.