So, how are you tonight gang? AlienPrincess & I spent the evening w/ coffeeshop worker, Flux go-er and girl about town, Jess. We drank coffee, went to go see HellBoy, drank coffee, looked at books, etc. Got to wondering if we should start a role call for tomorrow night? It hasn't really been discussed for I haven't talked-talked to most of you since over the weekend...and stuff. At this point, AP, AmazonRed13 and myself are down. Any other atendees?
And now, an early poetry day entry:
Here they lie, still and cat-like
in the sun, in the afternoon,
your clothes, baggy,
undreaming, as if by chance.
They smell of you, faintly,
they almost take after you,
give away your dirt,
your bad habits,
the trace of your elbows.
They take their time, dont breathe,
are left over, limp, full of buttons,
properties, stains.
In the hands of a policeman,
a dress maker, an archaeologist
they would reveal their seams,
their idle secrets. But where you are,
whether you suffer, what
you had always wanted to tell me
and never did, whether
what has happened has happened
for loves sake or from need
or from negligence, and why
all this has come about as it did
when it was a question
of saving our skin,
whether you are dead by now
or have gone to wash your hair,
they do not tell.

And now, an early poetry day entry:
Here they lie, still and cat-like
in the sun, in the afternoon,
your clothes, baggy,
undreaming, as if by chance.
They smell of you, faintly,
they almost take after you,
give away your dirt,
your bad habits,
the trace of your elbows.
They take their time, dont breathe,
are left over, limp, full of buttons,
properties, stains.
In the hands of a policeman,
a dress maker, an archaeologist
they would reveal their seams,
their idle secrets. But where you are,
whether you suffer, what
you had always wanted to tell me
and never did, whether
what has happened has happened
for loves sake or from need
or from negligence, and why
all this has come about as it did
when it was a question
of saving our skin,
whether you are dead by now
or have gone to wash your hair,
they do not tell.
oh & question - *are those peeps in yer profile pic?!?*
mmm i could go for some right about now!