Landed in a freakin' blizzard (okay not really, but what do Texans know about snow?) in Baltimore. crammed into a southwest airlines flight. least comfortable flight evar, but I forgive them for charging me less than $80 for the trip. hanging around the capital for a few days and then up to NYC. The cold weather is reminding me why I usually try to travel in the spring or fall...but this is my chance to get out do a little traveling. no staycations for me, thanks.
so far a good, relaxing trip. needed it.
so far a good, relaxing trip. needed it.
The cold weather should be reminding you why you visit your friends in California.
Have a good time & take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously, k?

I'm so excited about this week! I hope you have fun in DC and see all the sights and friends you want to. See you soon, stalker!