If anyone wants to follow me as I document my weight loss Journey, I'm linking it below. I have been excepted through the first process of becoming a Suicide Girl and It's about to get serious up in herrr. Please be nice to me, as I will be posting a lot of personal information about myself and my weight.
VixeyIsLosingIt-A weight Loss Journey
Thanks for...
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VixeyIsLosingIt-A weight Loss Journey
Thanks for...
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I'm leaving for the beach in a week for an entire week, and I wanted to compile my entire grocery list so I know what to bring/buy. I thought I would share it with anyone. Tell me what you think, I would love suggestions to stay healthy on my vaca.
(The reason I buy whole milk, whole milk products and NON-reduced fat/cal/sugar or anything like...
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(The reason I buy whole milk, whole milk products and NON-reduced fat/cal/sugar or anything like...
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Guacamole <3
I'm feeling really crappy about myself right now.
I'm supposed to come up with part of my company jazz dance routine by Tuesday. I was at the dance studio today from 530-730 trying to come up with a dance and I was drawing a blank... Still am actually. I don't know, I'm feeling really dumb, like, my ideas are all the same and un-inspired. It...
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I'm supposed to come up with part of my company jazz dance routine by Tuesday. I was at the dance studio today from 530-730 trying to come up with a dance and I was drawing a blank... Still am actually. I don't know, I'm feeling really dumb, like, my ideas are all the same and un-inspired. It...
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take a breath, relax, you have to believe in yourself, you have the skills necessary, don't put so much pressure on yourself. forget about your sister and your mother and just let it flow, you will come up with something awesome
I deleted my youtube (health) account. No one was watching my videos and I think I look stupid doing them, so yeah. AND no one really reads this either... sigh.
Anyway, I weighed in yesterday and all in all, since June 25th I have lost 8.8 Ibs.

I'm so happy! I have been trying everything and I mean EVERYTHING to lose weight. I almost think...
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Anyway, I weighed in yesterday and all in all, since June 25th I have lost 8.8 Ibs.

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Thanks!! I have changed my diet for the most part. I'm counting calories so when I want "bad stuff" I have to count it in so it keeps me from overeating. Thanks for your support! 

im reading your blog so there is someone 

Well, todays the big day... Spring Cleaning the Kitchen.
I have this phobia of what people have done to things before me, like with cars, apartments... public bathrooms. LOL. I just am never quite comfortable with whatever it is even if I clean ever inch of it. Like, I'm STILL, after 3 years of living in this apartment, uncomfortable with sitting in my bathtub. Even...
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I have this phobia of what people have done to things before me, like with cars, apartments... public bathrooms. LOL. I just am never quite comfortable with whatever it is even if I clean ever inch of it. Like, I'm STILL, after 3 years of living in this apartment, uncomfortable with sitting in my bathtub. Even...
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Awwww too cute hugs to u!!!!!
Cleaning again, today is the entrance hallway... I think I'm halfway done. My eyes burn from the fumes so I'm taking a small break.
Has anyone ever watched "The Whitest Kid's U'Know"? I've watched them years ago and I'm re-watching starting from Season 1. If you haven't watched them, you HAVE to youtube them under "WKUK". Some are hits some some are REALLY BIG Misses,...
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Has anyone ever watched "The Whitest Kid's U'Know"? I've watched them years ago and I'm re-watching starting from Season 1. If you haven't watched them, you HAVE to youtube them under "WKUK". Some are hits some some are REALLY BIG Misses,...
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Today marks the day that I begin spring cleaning again. Can't believe it's that time of year already. Le sigh. Anyway, I do feel accomplished, I cleaned my entire laundry room, and though it sounds like a small easy task, I can assure you.... Ehehehehhhh... It's not. Lol. Regardless, it's done. Next is the entrance hallway... Blaaaaah.
~ vixey
~ vixey
Good luck to you and your cleaning efforts. I did a massive full scale cleaning of the house while the wife was away in Vegas for a week and alas...it is all gone now.
Better luck to you!

Happy St. Patties Day!!!
Enjoy my new makeup tutorial
"When Irish Eyes are Smiling // a St. Patrick's Day Makeup Tutorial"
Enjoy my new makeup tutorial
"When Irish Eyes are Smiling // a St. Patrick's Day Makeup Tutorial"
happy st pattys day doll
happy st pattys day<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
The weight loss blog is a great idea for staying motivated, too.