i am attached to the ring.
i know that now.
in the dream
she wanted it
and i let her wear it.
it was too loose for her finger
it slipped around.
seeing it there
pissed me off.
who is this stranger?
and why does she matter more than me?
(i didn't want her to have it. no, not really)
time left.
time went.
and she disappeared with
her hands, and her fingers
and the ring.
(my ring?)
later, she appears suddenly
to give it back.
"oh." i say,
when she does.
i know that now.
in the dream
she wanted it
and i let her wear it.
it was too loose for her finger
it slipped around.
seeing it there
pissed me off.
who is this stranger?
and why does she matter more than me?
(i didn't want her to have it. no, not really)
time left.
time went.
and she disappeared with
her hands, and her fingers
and the ring.
(my ring?)
later, she appears suddenly
to give it back.
"oh." i say,
when she does.
This is one of my favourites. I've still got it on tape from when I recorded it off tv in 94 (circa):
As they say if you love something set it free and if it's ment to be it'll come back...