Climbing Out
I haven't been able to get my head together for a decent journal entry in a long while now. Every now and then life just piles on the problems until they culminate in one great big giant clusterfuck. Brenda lost her job, I got fucked by my job, Debra got put on involuntary hiatus by her job at the worst possible time. Danny's...
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I haven't been able to get my head together for a decent journal entry in a long while now. Every now and then life just piles on the problems until they culminate in one great big giant clusterfuck. Brenda lost her job, I got fucked by my job, Debra got put on involuntary hiatus by her job at the worst possible time. Danny's...
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R.I.P. - Merrill "Skippy" Clifton White 2/28/36 - 6/12/06
Today a great man passed away. He wasn't famous. He wasn't rich. He was just one of the finest examples of a real man I've ever know. He was holierthancow's father and he was like a father to me. He was kind and generous. He was hard working and responsible. He had only one arm...
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Today a great man passed away. He wasn't famous. He wasn't rich. He was just one of the finest examples of a real man I've ever know. He was holierthancow's father and he was like a father to me. He was kind and generous. He was hard working and responsible. He had only one arm...
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Thirty Begins
I have cheddar grits in my belly and a hot twenty-one year old girlfriend practicing belly dancing to Poe in the room with me. There are probably worse ways to start your thirtieth birthday. I'm probably going to go out to Elmyr sometime this evening for a steak taco and beer. Other than that I don't really have any plans for my birthday....
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I have cheddar grits in my belly and a hot twenty-one year old girlfriend practicing belly dancing to Poe in the room with me. There are probably worse ways to start your thirtieth birthday. I'm probably going to go out to Elmyr sometime this evening for a steak taco and beer. Other than that I don't really have any plans for my birthday....
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happy birthday man
Happy birthday
On The Flipside
It's funny how something simple can totally change your perspective. I've been over here moaning and groaning about turning thirty and how much I suck because I haven't accomplished anything great yet. Then some anonymous twit leaves a trollish flame in Brenda's LiveJournal and it all snaps into perspective. I'm not that person. I'm not someone whose life is sad and empty...
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It's funny how something simple can totally change your perspective. I've been over here moaning and groaning about turning thirty and how much I suck because I haven't accomplished anything great yet. Then some anonymous twit leaves a trollish flame in Brenda's LiveJournal and it all snaps into perspective. I'm not that person. I'm not someone whose life is sad and empty...
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Happy birthday

word up!
happy birthday!
happy birthday!
Well Happy Birthday!
I was kinda hoping I could come up to your party, but got stuck down here this weekend. Looks like it was a blast though.
I was kinda hoping I could come up to your party, but got stuck down here this weekend. Looks like it was a blast though.
I'm so pissed that I had to work the next day... I swear upon pain of death that I will make the next one... health permitting.
Do we have an accord?
Do we have an accord?
Party Time!
The Gemini Wonder Twins Birthday Bash is tonight! I am a ball of excitement and fear. We pretty much have everything together except for a few odds and ends that we'll be picking up at Wal-Mart this afternoon. Getting everything has been a lot costlier than I expected, though, so it looks like we're going to be rent fucked for throwing this party....
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The Gemini Wonder Twins Birthday Bash is tonight! I am a ball of excitement and fear. We pretty much have everything together except for a few odds and ends that we'll be picking up at Wal-Mart this afternoon. Getting everything has been a lot costlier than I expected, though, so it looks like we're going to be rent fucked for throwing this party....
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Too Hot In Hell
So I went to The Masquerade for 80s Night with Debra and Brian last night. Hell was as hot as its namesake and my beers were getting warm by the time I could take a few swigs. There was also some couple that were having some sort of unpleasant thing as the girl was crying and the guy was holding her...
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So I went to The Masquerade for 80s Night with Debra and Brian last night. Hell was as hot as its namesake and my beers were getting warm by the time I could take a few swigs. There was also some couple that were having some sort of unpleasant thing as the girl was crying and the guy was holding her...
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i tried to think of a good superfriends/wondertiwns joke to put here but... i failed.
*hangs head in shame and silently walks away... defeated*
sorry man.
*hangs head in shame and silently walks away... defeated*
sorry man.
Check Arrived
There's nothing like a $571 check to lower your stress levels significantly. Debra's school check finally arrived and though it was significantly smaller than we were expecting it means I'm not going to be digging through the couch cushions trying to finance the The Gemini Wonder Twins Birthday Bash, which is just three days away. We might even be able to pay...
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There's nothing like a $571 check to lower your stress levels significantly. Debra's school check finally arrived and though it was significantly smaller than we were expecting it means I'm not going to be digging through the couch cushions trying to finance the The Gemini Wonder Twins Birthday Bash, which is just three days away. We might even be able to pay...
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Oh, I really would come to the party, but germany Atlanta is sooooo far away and I`m on holiday in portugal this time. So I cant come. Fuck! Have a drink for me on this evening, please

First Day At Work And My Rollercoaster Weekend
I started my new job today. According to holierthancow it was one of the bad days. If that's what the bad days are like then I'm going to like it there because I loved it. The only problems were that occasionally I felt like I wasn't being useful enough because I didn't know what I was doing...
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I started my new job today. According to holierthancow it was one of the bad days. If that's what the bad days are like then I'm going to like it there because I loved it. The only problems were that occasionally I felt like I wasn't being useful enough because I didn't know what I was doing...
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congratulations on your new job

Finding Focus, Day 16: Listen To Jesus, Jimmy
Brian has been down the past couple of days so I haven't been able to get a whole lot done. That's cool, though. Visitors from Asheville have become fewer and farther between. Of course, people from the City of Ashes that I'd care to have visit are becoming fewer and farther between.
Planning for the Gemini Wonder...
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Brian has been down the past couple of days so I haven't been able to get a whole lot done. That's cool, though. Visitors from Asheville have become fewer and farther between. Of course, people from the City of Ashes that I'd care to have visit are becoming fewer and farther between.
Planning for the Gemini Wonder...
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i'll be sure to make a cameo
sorry to hear about the job woes. all three of you guys at once having job troubles is pretty harsh.