Things are still coming along well on the art. So all is good in the land of holierthancows......

Though I wish I could sleep in today.. for some reason I didn't sleep worth a crap. You know thw routine, toss... turn, wake up, go back to sleep, and repeat.

Oh well... gotta get ready to go back to the "coal mines".
Well I got a new page for Stormblazer done today....... I also came up with a really cool character concept that I pitched to the head of the Ultimate Comics Group's editors (the group that's contracted to SMASH! Comics). I think I sold it well.... though it is still pretty much in the development stage.

Speaking of Development I got to speak with the designer...
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After pulling 25 hours at work over the last two days... I'm stuck here at home broke (as expected), exhausted, and bored. I was wanting to go to Frolicon at least for one day (today being the last "good" day), but unless the people at the admissions table accept pocket lint I seriously doubt I'd make it in...

Work has been going well on my...
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Have you ever had dreams that totally screw with you even after you wake up? I've had that same damned dream since Saturday.

Penciled, and inked pages from my upcoming project Stormblazer
from Smash Comics
Comics rock...
Wow, I've been so busy of late... my head is spinning like hell.

Oh well I need to get off to work... I might babble more about it later.
I finaly got some of my art posted for the comic I'm currently drawing "Stormblazer" through Open Book Press's Smash Comic line..... check it out here.... http://holierthancow.deviantart.com/
There was going one thing going through my ride on the commute home today......... morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars, morons playing bumpercars. God I hate driving on 285
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
kiss biggrin

Happy Valentines Day!
I hate having to have serious financial debates with myself about going to a freaking $10 show.... or worrying about missing more than one day from work a month, and not being able to pay my bills........ and my Day job's hours are so freaking wonkey that I can't really get a part timer to go with it. Since my shedules fluxuate so damn much....
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My appreciation of myself went down a bit... I stopped at Quick Trip today at lunch to grab a pack of smokes, and a soda. The hottest, thinest, blondest little chickadee pulled in beside me. opened the door to the QT for her, ended up behind her in line, exchanged a few pleasantries. When I got to my car she had her passenger door open...
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Ever get the feeling people try to avoid you to keep you from saying what's on your mind......... I get that a lot. Oh well to hell with everyone but me.
I finished the pencils to my current art gig "Stormbazer". Now after I finish the inks I can move on to the second book of my two book deal.