I never come nearer'n to shootin me a squirrel than I done yesterday.

Normally, I fall into the category of non-killer. Unless you count insects and vegetation, I am not likely to be caught ending lives.

But yesterday, my roomate decided he'd had it up to here with the squirrels.

We live on an orange grove: my friend Tim, his girlfriend, myself, two cats, two...
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Ha ha! Varmints! I used to watch my father and uncles shoot squirrels out of trees when I was growing up. And when I was older my brother and I would try to take them out with a slingshot. He's much better at it now, since I gave it up years ago and he's been practicing all this time.

And yeah, getting laid is easier said that done. But when you are two and a half years into a relationship with someone, and you live together, getting laid ought to be as easy as saying so. Emphasis on "ought to be."
There was a time, during my pre-adolescent Beavis phase, where no animal life whatsoever would dare to venture within the boundaries of my backyard.

I'm not like that anymore, I don't even kill spiders, but for a while it was like William Munny with a Red Ryder, harbinger of doom dispensing air-powered genocide for small woodland creatures.
Taxi Driver was just on. I watched most of it because the Lighting got their asses handed to them. I realized I knew every word, and there seemed no reason to watch it, but I just couldn't help myself.
It is one of the best films ever. It is hilarious and pathetic, has a kickass soundtrack and it's so, so violent. What movie can beat...
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i lost most of my fingernail today. actually, i didn't lose it, know exactly where it went, but i am no longer in possesion of it. it got smashed under a DLT autochanger library at work. good thing it was just the pinky...
Ouch. You'd be surprised how much you use your pinky- after you lose it.
holy crap, go get it and glue it back on!
your art is AMAZING. i love it! you are sooo talented!!
i have spent alot of time at home this weekend
i have spent alot of money on drugs this weekend
i have spent alot of time on drugs this weekend
weekend has spent alot of drugs on home this money
i have drugged this money with time at home
money has timed these drugs alot at weekend homes
drugs at home spend alot of me...
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time spent on weekend drugs is money well timed.
the right side of my brain just lost all interest in my left.
maybe your brain should take a romantic cruise together, and try to recapture teh magic.

Do it for the cerebellum!
bah. the seperation is best for both parties. Don't fight it, it will only hurt more.
kill bill vol 2 kicked ass. i didn't stay after the credits for the bloopers, thouhg because i didn't know there was any. damn i hate that.
just ran across the drawings you did of me! beautiful! smile smile
How do you get your artwork into the computer? Picture or scan? They come out amazing. Also where in tampa are you? I grew up in seminole/largo area.
sorry for the lack of updates. I have been drunk.

Also, I did a whole shitload of yardwork. we laid down a patio in bricks, and trimmed a bunch of orange trees.

last night I had a wierd, vicodin-induced dream. it took place in either the 50's or 60's, and was a variety show for little kid celebrities. but it was celebrities from recently. it...
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Dreams all around. Steve Martin at 10, that would have have been good. Was he wearing underware over his head?

Ya know I never got passed illustrator 8, and I think photoshop 5, but so far the painter 8 seems way easier to me. It's more enjoyable to use, actually from what I remember adobe always seemed like a chore to me, whereas this one seems more like goofing off. I guess previous versions were more of a pain in the ass. The latest adobe kicks ass I'm sure, but I had to take price into consideration. You should give it a try for sure.

you know what i'll be doin for the next 111 minutes..
your art is awesome. I've been wanting to draw some of my favorite sg pics as well, but i don't have a printer and drawing from a computer screen seems awkward. Do you print them and then draw them, or do you work straight from your moniter?

on the subject of kill bill, i haven't seen it, but i recently drew a pic of the lovely uma. (check out my pics folder if you want to see it)
if you havent't seen it, i'll let you know how i feel about it later.
ok... so i was alternately really drunk and really hung over all weekend...

i got absolutely nothing done....

my body hurts, i feel sick, i feel like i the nitrogen in my body is decomressing and causing me to hallucinate because i have been offering my oxygen hose to passing fish...

i'll get back to you soon...
dont forget to hydrate man.
damn i am lazy. i have no food here except some cans of tuna fish that i have been eating for like 4 days. there are a dozen grocery stores between my house and work, and i just wont stop and get some...

tomorrow my best friend is having her first solo art show. granted, it is at the student-run gallery at school, but it...
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Your drawings are amazing, how long did it take for you to get so consistently good at it?
heya! i just wanted to say.... woah, that stage drawering you did in fan art is pretty damn amazing. i'm very impressed!
Man, the Devil Rays don't look half bad. Splitting a series with a team that has a salary 6 times your has to count for something.

i got home from work and had all these big plas for what i was going to do (work out, draw, clean) but i just ended up in front of my computer with a beer... damn i suck.
sitting in front of some sort of monitor with a beer seems to be all i do myself. Unless it's at the job, in which case... no beer.
Lethargy sucks. Big time.