It's offical. You guys are great. I feel better. And I suppose it is...uh, a thing...that I know I'll always get through it. Makes it hard to discriminate a lot of situations...what's good, what's bad.
AJ, you're so cool. And I'm glad chicky is still around. Those people...the ones you know from experience, not necessarily agreement...they know you best.
Really glad to see your feeling better smile
I suppose you are right about them knowing me best babe. YOu sound like you are in a great fucking mood!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wicked glad to hear that doll. And yeah, she is still around until the next time I take her out and she is doing shots of tequila.
I know what shots are my evil, she hasn't figured it out yet, hasn't puked enough off of it to know I should say. Most fuckers don't actually put something down until they puke out thier intestines.
I so dig when you address me in your posts, it makes me feel like a rockstar. I know I sound like a geek when I say that, or someone who knows fuck about computers, no offense to anyone seriously. L8er on beautiful............AJ
What's up, ya'll? eeek wink
What is up? Well let me fucking see. Nothing really babe. The song pretty much always remains the same. I saw one of my favorite bands STEEL fucking play. It was cool. They saw me in the parking lot and told me to just come in the stage door with them. I usually see them every fucking chance I get. The band bought me shots and all but I try to take it in moderation since I don't dig on drinking and driving. If I fucking lose my license I lose my freedom, and well, fuck that noise.
So how are things in alabama, lol, I wonder if you have an accent? Ha ha ha. Anyway pretty little Leo, I will talk to you L8er.........AJ
I would like to think that we are totally responsible for our own lives, and everything that happens, but it just isn't so. It can't be, and although I am hard on myself and take full responsibility, I know all too well that things can happen when you are very young that change everything about your life.

So I'm doing what I can and am...
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Hmmm. I could always read your journals to understand the sweet vulnerablitliy in you and now I see where your personal strength comes from doll. I believe that we are fucking made and not just born into our personalities.
Everything that you are doing is fucking great. Yeah it is stirring up shit from the past but when you totally bomb the fuck out of your past then you have cleared away less enemies to haunt your mental future.
You know Kat. I can see why I have so many Leo friends and have never dated one. Most likely she would end up being more my fucking mom than my mate. I was just fucking off on my drums and guitar when I logged on and saw your comment there.
Like I've said before doll. I fucking envy your strength. Wish I fucking had it, seriously, no shit. I envy you and will always be drawn to what is going on in your existence.
You are very hardcore Kat, and I think you really know that. I think the struggle with you is wondering where to direct your power and energy from day to day. I'm going to go jam out for a bit longer . Take care doll, you know who luvs ya, fucking L8er babe...................AJ
I'm always tired, I don't sleep enough, and I haven't do much school work this year. Works is starting to get on my nerves, but I like the job. I might go get a job bartending at The Library.

I don't know if happy is the right now. More like "right." It's all just right at this moment, every last bit of it.

And if...
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I have a bar here called "The Library"

your coming to NY? tongue
Fuck you Rocky Top

We beat em, I'm getting drunk with this funny drunk chick, my guy, and hers, and then we're goin to a party to drink more.

Hell fucking yeah, seven and oh, baby.

sounds like fun, I got a bit tipsy last night and then a night run to Dennys! Gotta love those
I am REALLY enjoying myself lately.

That is all. miao!!
My brother's girlfriend miscarried. I was nervous about it in the first place, because the state your body is in directly before you get knocked up matters A WHOLE LOT, and I'm not sure hers was ready for it. They'll still get married, but wait for a baby.

And while random, the following is a song by someone I met a few times. He's the...
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I'm sorry to hear about your brother and his girlfriend. I'm guessing they'll need a good person to talk to.

I like the lyrics. Where's the Mp3?
Pills fucking suck you guys. They are really starting to make me sick. Baxin, Amoxicillin, Prevacid. Fuckshit.

Tonight I am making an 8pm reservation at Olive Garden for Wednesday. ALL OF THEIR PROFITS GO TO HURRICANE RELIEF. Donate, eat good food, have a good time. If you're in town, ring me up, and I'll deal you in.
A few years ago I was in Tuscaloosa for a jazz seminar at the college. Afterwards we went to that Mexican place right beside Olive Garden, I can't remember the name of it right now. Anyway, I got REALLY drunk and then stumbled over to the OG and met up with some friends for dinner. Good times. Sorry to hear about your RX woes. I find that taking pills with beer helps ease the stomach. Cheers!
Hey Tragic, yeah babe can't stand the drugs either, I don't think I dig being in complete control of self, however getting wicked drunk is always allowed. Olive Garden takes reservations? Hell, didn't know that but then again I've never really tried to eat there. Its in the same location as the Borders book store out here. Everytime I look over the parking lot of the Olive Garden is full. Perhaps I should check it out sometimes. So how have you been feeling lately babe? I always try to get around to hearing your latest exploits. Anyway doll, be good and stay safe........L8er..........AJ
By the end of two weeks, I will have taken 112 pills, eight pills a day, six of those being two different antibiotics. I take two Prevacid a day so I don't vomit on myself.

Bacterial infection in my stomach, my ass. If there's anything living in me right now that doesn't need to be, it'll be dead. Twice.

Sometimes you just get surprised. kiss
man, sounds like pill city for you. Hell, all those pills are probably why you don't feel good.
man, sounds like pill city for you. Hell, all those pills are probably why you don't feel good.
3 beers, 3 shots (it might be four beers)

Wow, so got way too drunk last night and should've left a lot sooner than I did.

The usual too drunk behavior, making an ass of yourself, etc.

Yet, as almost always, there are consequences.

You make your bed, you lie in it.

But do not judge, because I think it was little more than obvious...
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Sorry I haven't commented in a while. I always read your journal, though. I've had lots of nights like you; nights I thought I'd regret forever. The truth is, I don't regret any of them now, because they've all made me who I am today. So my wisdom for the day? Never regret. Learn and live. wink
Hope things are all ok