It is the end of the year. The hugs have been tallied. Time to find out what the total hug count for 2010. Not to spoil anything, the month didn't start out well, but it was a great push to the finish.
I really have to decide if I want to do a more public blog for my family and friends that don't know I am on SG. I probably will, just have to get on it.
I sit here in front of my computer hiding from Trick or Treaters. The first year I lived in this house I gave out candy, but only got 5 kids to knock on my door. Since then I have not given out candy. I feel very guilty... Read More
Yeah I'm pretty sure they are. Out of 30 tellers, three of us refused to pay for the Christmas party and she tried to pressure us into it. Eventually one of the guys said to her that he was going to check with his college accounting professor if it was even legal for her to make us pay. She changed her tune pretty quickly; now the party has been relocated to the branch and it's a mandatory evening where we have to stay late, unpaid, and decorate the branch for Christmas.
She's really into punishment and petty retribution. I plan to not stay though, if she's not paying me then I consider that my personal time and I'm not wasting it spending it with her.
So, I have been thinking. It might be nice for other non-SG member to read my hug blog, like my family members, but I don't want non-SG members to know that I am on SG. This leads me to start posting this blog elsewhere, but I am not sure where I would want to do that. I have thought about using twitter to... Read More
I stayed at work late for no good reason, except to maybe talk to Chains. So, I might have a small crush on her, she doesn't notice and I won't act on it, it ain't no... Read More
oh she took her meds. i had to shove it down her through and hold her bill closed because she spit it out the first 2 times. i wet it though so the capsule shell was slimy. then i gave her watermelon because that's like crack to her and hopefully she'll forgive me. she snapped me on my cheek after i let go. we have 4 more days of this.....
I have been thinking about the hug blog and when it would okay to blog about something personal. I mean, in the event that I have sex, there is a the possibility of hugging at some point. I guess I would be okay if I counted the hugs in my head and added them to the hug total, but what do I... Read More
Considering the average (at least American) age at which a child can count to a thousand is 10 years old, and considering that the life expectancy in our country is eighty years, if you started counting at the very moment you could conceive one billion it would take you (if you were an average person) until you were 40-45 years old. So, over half of your life. I think were both right.
On a side note, I totally want to play with your hair.
This month in the hug blog we are going to focus on the hugs. I know it is quite a shocking revelation, but I think you people will enjoy the changes I have made to the format.
No without further wait; the hugs for June 2010!!!!
You know I always find it difficult to start the beginning of these blogs. I usually make a joke about it being that time of month eluding to a woman's menstrual cycle, which I am not. I am going to skip all the intro stuff because we have lot of hugs to go through this month. 68 hugs to be exact. It was... Read More
It is that time of the month where I post another blog about my hugs. Are you ready? Do you need something to drink? Maybe some popcorn? I am going to reveal the 100th hug of the year.
Hey. It is that time of month again. Where I eat nothing but chocolate for 24 hours? No. Though that would be awesome. It is time to update you guys with a hug blog.
I am sorry to interrupt the hug blog. If you want to check out the latest installment, just back to the last entry. It is easy to do.
This has been on my mind for the past week. When I was at tea with friend last Friday, we were talking about one of the attendees being a funeral director and then death in general. Then... Read More
Thank you. I agree..i've just told her that i'm gonna give her some time to figure out how she feels. Constantly pestering her with things isn't gonna get me anywhere.