Jeez, there's going to be 600 SuicideGirls by the end of the week!
I remember when there was barely a hundred. When I joined there was well under 200 (I lounged around for months, almost a full year, before I joined cause of fiscal stuff). Malice's new set is fuckin' hot.
Just my luck, a fucking cold spell ran in last night. Now I get to do yard work in 60 degree weather. Odd as it may sound, I much prefer doing it in 80 degree weather. Just how I is going to kill me with the cold weather....
I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy need a fuckin cigarette. I didn't go get one last night and I'm dying here.
Other then that, I'm feeling pretty good. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and get over to my main client's house to tell him that I'm moving. Gotta get the OK from him before I offer the work to my cousin - he might not want her to do it, and I can't blame him. Either way, I'm getting rid of the work by April 15th, and then I'm gone. Without any rent bills to pay, assuming I move in with my Grandpa for the last 15 days I'm in Texas, I'll have more then enough money to get my ass up to Seattle, and in style too. I might even be able to afford not staying in dive hotels and get hooked up at a Motel Six or something, where I don't have to fight with the cockroaches for my morning cup of coffee.
Oh, and I'm listening to my old Kittie CD. They weren't bad, I don't care if they didn't write their own songs, or whatever the fuck it was everyone talked shit on them about. They had a lot of energy, and that's half the battle when it comes to making a good album.

Just my luck, a fucking cold spell ran in last night. Now I get to do yard work in 60 degree weather. Odd as it may sound, I much prefer doing it in 80 degree weather. Just how I is going to kill me with the cold weather....
I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy need a fuckin cigarette. I didn't go get one last night and I'm dying here.
Other then that, I'm feeling pretty good. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and get over to my main client's house to tell him that I'm moving. Gotta get the OK from him before I offer the work to my cousin - he might not want her to do it, and I can't blame him. Either way, I'm getting rid of the work by April 15th, and then I'm gone. Without any rent bills to pay, assuming I move in with my Grandpa for the last 15 days I'm in Texas, I'll have more then enough money to get my ass up to Seattle, and in style too. I might even be able to afford not staying in dive hotels and get hooked up at a Motel Six or something, where I don't have to fight with the cockroaches for my morning cup of coffee.
Oh, and I'm listening to my old Kittie CD. They weren't bad, I don't care if they didn't write their own songs, or whatever the fuck it was everyone talked shit on them about. They had a lot of energy, and that's half the battle when it comes to making a good album.
thanks for reminding me - I used to love that band!