Good grief! A Charlie Brown Valentine's Day Special!? How fucking cool is that??
Ani DiFranco rocks! ROCKS! R-O-C-K-S!!
Why this obsession with Ani? It freaks out just about everyone I know because I'm not a righteous, angry, feminist lesbian. I kindly point out that she isn't exactly a lesbian herself, but it falls on deaf ears. Fuck them if they don't see her coolness for what it is (that being the Absolute Coolness).
I feel a bit better. My headache's almost gone.
Just at Advanced Auto Parts. Don't know what's so advanced about it, but I got a K&N filter for my truck (gotta love K&N) and some magazines and found out that a long block 400ci Chevy V8 is like $1100 without the core exchange!
That's pretty kick ass for a ready to go, fully rebuild and warranted engine. I could definitely get one cheaper at a junkyard, but I'd end up spending and investing about that much money on time and machining costs. Not that I'm getting one or anything, but that's just good to know kind of stuff. I have a hard-on for 400ci Chevy V8s. Probably cause they are big ass small blocks.
Just spend forty bucks on VHS and DVDs. Highlights include: "Jack Frost" (the original, and still the best, psycho mutant killer snowman movie), "Collateral" (spl?), "Blood & Wine" (surprising cool Who Done It movie), "Runaway Jury" (needed a second DVD for the 2 for $20 deal, plus my grandpa likes those kind of movies), "Predator 2", and another movie I can't remember.
At least I'll be occupied tonight.
"Collateral" is pretty fucking cool. Much, much, much different then I thought it would be like after seeing the trailers.
Ani DiFranco rocks! ROCKS! R-O-C-K-S!!
Why this obsession with Ani? It freaks out just about everyone I know because I'm not a righteous, angry, feminist lesbian. I kindly point out that she isn't exactly a lesbian herself, but it falls on deaf ears. Fuck them if they don't see her coolness for what it is (that being the Absolute Coolness).
I feel a bit better. My headache's almost gone.
Just at Advanced Auto Parts. Don't know what's so advanced about it, but I got a K&N filter for my truck (gotta love K&N) and some magazines and found out that a long block 400ci Chevy V8 is like $1100 without the core exchange!

Just spend forty bucks on VHS and DVDs. Highlights include: "Jack Frost" (the original, and still the best, psycho mutant killer snowman movie), "Collateral" (spl?), "Blood & Wine" (surprising cool Who Done It movie), "Runaway Jury" (needed a second DVD for the 2 for $20 deal, plus my grandpa likes those kind of movies), "Predator 2", and another movie I can't remember.
At least I'll be occupied tonight.
"Collateral" is pretty fucking cool. Much, much, much different then I thought it would be like after seeing the trailers.
and if u would still like entry to the grp edge crushers, email me privately. If not .. I will delete your name from the group in 3 days