Last time I woke up with a headache this bad it was because someone had hit me upside the head with a nightstick. Well, I don't remember any confrontations with cops last night, but I did overwork myself and was inhaling a half dozen different kinds of noxious fumes at work. Jeebus, this headache is unreal. It hurts so bad I feel like I'm going to throw up. Those two tylenols and two aspirin I took twenty minutes ago should be doing their magic right about now.
Oh man, I hope they do work cause if my head hurts this bad all day I'm going to have to go score some painkillers - and that just starts a vicious cycle I don't want to partake in at the moment.
I think I'm going to try and start an SG Construction group where people like me can give advice to other people about remodeling their houses/apartments. You know, painting tips, drywall secrets, how to frame a window/door, little secrets of the trade. Shit like that. I know Kaos is good with electrical, so maybe he'd agree to be our resident electrician (I can hook up a light and ceiling fan, but beyond that I don't do fuck all with electricity - I know HOW to, but I always shock myself and it's growing tiresome).
I don't need this headache right now. I still have a full day of work ahead of me because that tenant that was supposed to get into town tonight got into town last night and wants to get into the house immediately. Why the fuck are people always throwing me curve balls? Fuck it, the house is almost ready. I need to shore up one light fixture, finish tiling one bathroom (the other one I didn't even start on cause it needs some serious plumbing work), and do some final touchup painting. Oh, and a tiny bit of wood work in the living room. The rest is exterior work that'll have to wait for tomorrow (if only cause it's going to be a heavenly 77 degrees tomorrow
I fucking LOVE Texas weather....where else does a winter last three weeks??)
Oh man, I hope they do work cause if my head hurts this bad all day I'm going to have to go score some painkillers - and that just starts a vicious cycle I don't want to partake in at the moment.
I think I'm going to try and start an SG Construction group where people like me can give advice to other people about remodeling their houses/apartments. You know, painting tips, drywall secrets, how to frame a window/door, little secrets of the trade. Shit like that. I know Kaos is good with electrical, so maybe he'd agree to be our resident electrician (I can hook up a light and ceiling fan, but beyond that I don't do fuck all with electricity - I know HOW to, but I always shock myself and it's growing tiresome).
I don't need this headache right now. I still have a full day of work ahead of me because that tenant that was supposed to get into town tonight got into town last night and wants to get into the house immediately. Why the fuck are people always throwing me curve balls? Fuck it, the house is almost ready. I need to shore up one light fixture, finish tiling one bathroom (the other one I didn't even start on cause it needs some serious plumbing work), and do some final touchup painting. Oh, and a tiny bit of wood work in the living room. The rest is exterior work that'll have to wait for tomorrow (if only cause it's going to be a heavenly 77 degrees tomorrow

I think you should blow off work and drive out to CS to come visit me while I'm here in Texas.