Napolean Dynamite is the fucking shizite!!
A Day Without A Mexican is fucking hilarious.
Stayed up until three in the morning at a friends house watching these movies, drunk on wine, and pigging out on their food. The fucking temperature, with wind chill, was done to like eight degrees. That's exactly 2 degrees below Fucking Freezing. Right now it's like twenty degrees with windchill.
I called up my father, after finishing my Christmas shopping (took me all of an hour, not including the time to pick up my dry cleaning) to inform him that I hold him personally responsible for my having to suffer through this weather, as he is the reason I moved to Texas. I further informed him that he now owes me a vacation to somewhere very warm, very tropical and very full of hot bikini-clad women.
Everyone check out Alabama - she is the fucking hotness!!!
My kinda girl.
Well, I'm going to open a bottle of wine, a pack of cigarettes, and start wrapping presents. Or maybe I should go get something to eat first? Probably I should get something to eat first, if only because my truck is still warm and if I wait an hour it's going to be ice cold when I leave to go and get something to eat.
A Day Without A Mexican is fucking hilarious.
Stayed up until three in the morning at a friends house watching these movies, drunk on wine, and pigging out on their food. The fucking temperature, with wind chill, was done to like eight degrees. That's exactly 2 degrees below Fucking Freezing. Right now it's like twenty degrees with windchill.
I called up my father, after finishing my Christmas shopping (took me all of an hour, not including the time to pick up my dry cleaning) to inform him that I hold him personally responsible for my having to suffer through this weather, as he is the reason I moved to Texas. I further informed him that he now owes me a vacation to somewhere very warm, very tropical and very full of hot bikini-clad women.
Everyone check out Alabama - she is the fucking hotness!!!

Well, I'm going to open a bottle of wine, a pack of cigarettes, and start wrapping presents. Or maybe I should go get something to eat first? Probably I should get something to eat first, if only because my truck is still warm and if I wait an hour it's going to be ice cold when I leave to go and get something to eat.

Its fucking cold here! I agree get him to send you some where warm. Although i've been out in west Texas sitting in a blind freezing my ass off. I'm here just for family stuff, christmas and all the whatnot.

Merry Christmas!
Stay cozy!