Hey there!
As always, a big thanks first of all to those kind enough to leave supportive comments on the last blog, it's appreciated so much.
I see there's a lot of discussion over the merits of the new site. I agree that it's feels more brash and bright, and at the same time it's managed to kill the sense of community that the old site had. Personally my biggest gripe is not being able to press enter to add paragraphing to my comments on blogs, etc. I guess it's going to take some getting used to... My membership is up for renewal in December, so we'll see how things go with the new site, before I decide whether to renew or not.
I forgot to mention in my last blog that it hasn't been all doom and gloom lately...
I managed to get taken off the BSc (Hons) in Computing and IT with a second subject, because I struggled so much with the introductory course. There was a lot more programming involved than I'd thought, the description of the degree had been quite deceptive. I'd thought it was an even mix of business and computing, but it turns out it was intense computing (with lots of programming) with a smidgeon of business thrown in for good measure. Not the degree for me...
I missed the deadline for applications for courses starting in October, which is good in a way, because I've got a lot on my plate right now and I don't think I could cope with studying too. I've been put onto a BA Open Degree, until I find something else I could study. I might stick with the open degree though, because you can pick which courses you want to study to make up the degree, rather than studying a predetermined degree. I've got time to think about it though, because the next lot of courses start in February, so my application would need to be in by the start of January. Plenty of time to decide what to study next.
I've also got back into baking, I made Key Lime Pie the weekend before last, chocolate chip cookies last week and Swiss Roll at the weekend. Haven't got around to the Bannoffi Pie that I planned to make after the Key Lime Pie, but I hope to make that at the weekend.
Finally got around to creating a profile on the PlayStation Network, chose a very apt nickname too - Hairy_Baker.
I'm also on Yahoo Messenger (lowlysubpet) and KiK messenger (lowlysubslavepet)
Can't work out how to add YouTube videos to this new site. I'd have thought Link would suffice, but apparently not. Sorry for the lack of a music share, I had some cracking tunes to share too...
That's about it for this blog, so I'll finish with the usual request for more love for the following lovely ladies.
Live long and prosper.