Hey there SG land!
As always, a big thanks first of all to those kind souls who left supportive comments on the last blog. Cheers guys, you're the best!
So, what's been happening with me since the last blog... Absolutely nothing!
Still in severe pain...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The pain saga continues and it's getting worse, not better. I made it to work for Saturday the week before, as we were taking my stepdad out for a meal for Father's Day. I'd been off all week and felt I had to make a special effort to go to work on Saturday, as it's not good if you've been off work and then people see you out and about...
I barely made it through the weekend, as I was feeling so nauseous on top of the pain. This was in fact my own fault because the locum had advised me to combine the doses of cocodamol and tramadol since neither worked on their own. This only gave me 1 hour's relief, as long as I could sit down with my feet up. In the end I decided that I couldn't go on taking so many painkillers as they couldn't be doing my insides any good and they weren't really helping much in the way of pain relief.
At the start I forgot to take a few doses, I then decided to stop completely with the painkillers. Big mistake! This brought on migraines and severe nausea - Saturday wasn't too bad, as the nausea came and went. Sunday was a nightmare, I was feeling and looking like death warmed up and the Mrs said I kept looking like I was going to pass out during the Father's Day meal...
We had to stay in town for the rest of the afternoon as well, because we'd got tickets for the Sunday evening showing of Man of Steel (which I'll discuss later). Anyway, finally made it home in the late evening and I had to take some painkillers on the way home, as I' hadn't had any all day. I instantly stopped feeling sick when I took the dose of tramadol, but it didn't do anything for pain relief.
I decided I wasn't fit for work, as I was swinging between severe pain and bouts of nausea. I went back to the doctor and saw a different doctor this time. He said the locum should never have suggested combining the painkillers in the first place and he asked if I'd ever been checked for infections. I suddenly realised that the other doctor hadn't bothered to check for that, she'd just started chucking painkillers at me and sending me on my way.
So I had to send 2 specimens to get checked out at the lab and will get the results sometime next week. He also signed me off work for the week and prescribed amitriptyline, which is an antidepressant, but apparently it's been used for other purposes for a long time. In essence, it's a sleeping pill, which I was assured would give me a good night's sleep and hopefully ease the pain slightly...
Wrong on both counts! I took one on Monday night and then I couldn't get to sleep until around 2am. I then woke up suddenly at 5.15am and couldn't get back to sleep, even though my brain was telling me I should be sleeping. I tossed and turned until 6am and finally gave up and went downstairs to try and sleep on the sofa and give the Mrs some peace. I managed to fall asleep on the sofa and woke up when the Mrs got up at 9am, I was still feeling shattered so I went back to bed and didn't get up until lunchtime...
Needless to say I didn't take amitriptyline again and I've had undisturbed sleep for the rest of the week and my sleeping patterns have been somewhat normal.
On the plus side, I finally got an appointment with the pain clinic! It's on the 27th, so I sincerely hope they can come up with some form of pain relief as I really can't continue like this.
In the mean time I'm back taking tramadol, but I've halved the dosage and am only taking enough to prevent the crippling nausea from returning...
As I'm only taking the one painkiller, I'm not getting any pain relief at all, so I had to phone the doctor today and ask for another sick line for next week.
Watched Man of Steel on Sunday, that was a truly amazing movie! 
Henry Cavill was fantastic in the title role, and I loved it when Superman said "I'm from Kansas, I'm as American as you are!". I thought it was a nice reference to Christopher Reeve's Superman, who I'd always considered to be highly patriotic...
Personally I loved the casting of Russell Crowe as Jor-El and Kevin Costner as Jonathon Kent, they were both brilliant in the roles.
Michael Shannon was awesome as General Zod, though because they were re-telling the origin story, he was totally different from Terence Stamp's Zod in the original movies. Due to the re-working of the story, Shannon's Zod never got to say classic lines such as: "Come to me son of Jor-El, kneel before Zod!!"
This didn't detract from the movie at all, it's just that I was such a fan of Terence Stamp's Zod that I loved those lines
I smiled to myself when I spotted a LexCorp truck during the final battle between Superman and Zod. 
I hope they make a sequel, because they need to bring Lex Luthor back, as (in my view) he's the quintessential Superman villain... 
Other than that, I've had a fairly lazy week at home. Have almost finished BioShock Infinite, and I've been watching a few dvd's that I haven't seen in ages.
Bizarrely enough, I found myself getting emotional while watching Rocky IV yesterday. Thankfully the wife had gone out shopping, so nobody witnessed my emotional moments. I've no idea what brought on the emotion at all, as I've seen that movie countless times before and it's never affected me like that.
Embarrassingly enough, the part that had me choked up was when Rocky's heading to the ring for the showdown with Drago and Paulie thanks him for being such a good friend and says "If I could unzip myself and be someone else, I'd want to be you. You're all heart Rock... Now bust this guy's teeth out!"
I rarely even show my emotional side, but for some reason it got an airing yesterday... 
Not much else is new with me, so here's a music share:
That's about it for this blog, so I'll finish with the usual request for more love for the following lovely ladies. 
And yes, on her masturbating -- not to mention I don't personally think I could do that standing up. Not successfully, anyway.