Well I just woke up and I am pretty damn sore. I'm pretty sure I will be spending the majority of the day sleeping off the battering I got from my car accident last night. Leave it to some young guy to be fucking with his phone, and not paying attention, to drive into my lane and total my car. frown What is the lesson here...
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Point of no return winkbiggrin
Awesome! That is such an excellent quote!
do you see that little thing- next to my name?! Oh yeah- it says HOPEFUL! it's official...you eternally rock, lady!!! (thank goodness i stopped with the smirnoff, or i'd be puking- i'm so excited!) lol biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
Awwww lady that is totally awesome! I'm so friggin stoked for you!

PS on a side note I am so happy I only had one smirnoff @ your house. I got in a head on collision on my way home. My car is totaled. Some young guy reached for his cell phone and drove right into my lane. I'm still sitting in the hospital now frown Hopefully I will be getting released soon though, I'm fine, they did CAT scans and Xrays I'm all good lady. What a crazy night! LOL
Happy dance time! Finished editing my Hopeful set with ThroughnThrough Hopefully we shall get together soon to go over them and make any final decisions. Looking forward to hanging with her again, I sure don't get to see enough of that pretty face love And then on to SG! w00t w00t!
Spending the day editing the Hopeful set with ThroughnThrough As always she is quite the beauty and I enjoy the hell outta working with her! Looking forward to seeing the set finished and on her page!
I'd love to see video of ThroughnThrough hopping, skipping and jumping, Just saying. biggrin
So glad to hear you are looking forward to the set suispud1 !

And YOU lady! I can't wait to see your face! I will message you as soon as I am done kiss
Well tomorrow is Dad's last day up here, then he heads back to FL first thing on Sat. frown Can't lie, I'm a little bummed. But I totally enjoyed having him here for the last couple of weeks and I can't wait to see him over the summer. Also I can't be too sad because I have some editing to do this weekend on a SG...
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Been out of state for a few days. Took a short little trip to MA with my Daddy smile He came up from FL to surprise me for a couple of weeks and it has been awesome having him here! He has cooked damn near everyday he has been here and he is an amazing cook! Me and my roommates have been in Shangri-La! The best...
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tell me about it...LOVE it! and man i wish i had stayed longer...maybe i would have gotten some of that meal!!! he seemed like an awesome guy! hopefully i'll meet him again sometime! xoxo (awesome portrait, by the way!!! )
Oh man that would have been great! I don't even remember what he cooked that night, he has been such a whirlwind in the kitchen! (I've only cooked once since he has been here!) He will be back this summer for a couple of weeks again, and you, my dear are totally invited over to one of his fabulous meals! biggrin

(And thanks! love )
Today was the second day of a great weekend. I had a chance to do an engagement shoot with some great friends of mine who are getting married this August. They are a barrel of laughs and we had an all around fun time in addition to getting some really great shots of them. The weather was a bit questionable when we started out but...
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I have officially joined the SG community! Life can get pretty busy for me between working full-time (when I'm not on medical leave like I am now) and going back to school full time. But I always find the time to get some shooting in and hang with my nearest and dearest. I will hopefully be utilizing this blog to post whatever comes to my...
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Welcome! I love your work and I look forward to seeing great things from you.
Oh thank you kindly! I am looking forward to posting more of my work and getting some feedback. I always enjoy some good constructive criticism smile