I had a grand holiday with my family and some close friends the week before Xmas. The road trip was great and I got to visit a dear friend in GA on the way down. Once we got to FL my sister and I conspired for a couple of days then we got sister tattoos! I love the concept we came up with, she works...
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Wow I haven't been on here in sooo long! Well I am certainly going to fix that! biggrin Life has been a little crazy but hopefully things will be calming down here soon. Right now I am currently adventuring, took a little road trip with my lovely friend Timbre. We drove down from NY to FL stopping to visit a friend of mine in GA. Always...
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Alrighty!! Set your clocks! in T-minus 14.5 hours ThroughnThrough's new set hits Member Review! I am super proud of this set, I think we did an amazing job together! And let me tell you if there is another girl that wants AND deserves to go pink more than this one, I couldn't tell you who she is! Go give her ALLL yer luvins!
She is quite awesome indeed,,,,,
Well that other girl would probably be ME considering I have been at it for years tongue..but I approve of TNT too..so I am on board! LOL wink
The day is here! ThroughnThrough has finally had her set hit Member Review! Please go check out her set and give her some feedback. This girl deserves to go pink like whoa!!
LOVE her set!!!
lol xoxo...P.S. NEED to get that release to you! are you going to be around the next cpl of days?
Well the past two weeks have been pretty eventful smile Been doing a fair share of shooting, and I finally finished my editing for ThroughnThrough on her 2nd hopeful set love Gosh I luv that girl! Really can't say enough good things about her, and working with her is just a joy. We definitely need to spend more time together! Anywho here is a little peek wink

looks awesome to me me!! biggrin and lord knows art will enjoy doing it lol wink
Love the TnT spoilers Great job!!!!
Had a such wonderful weekend! Kickstarted it on Fri night when I got to see my friends band The Legacy Hour play a nearby gig. I adore those guys so much, and boy did they have such great energy on stage! Pat, the lead singer, got the audience pumped right from the get go! If you are a fan of hardcore music check out the...
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yeah i do biggrinbiggrinbiggrin you're the best!!! xoxo
not sure yet, because i have an interview at 12:30 and i don't know how long it will go...probably evening-ish? is that okay with you?
So I am the happiest girl in the world today! Yesterday was a phenomenal day and I woke up with a smile on my face because of it! I got two incredible pieces of news yesterday; I found out that 3 of my photos were chosen to participate in a group exhibition in NYC! This has been a lifelong dream of mine, to exhibit in...
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sorry i've been so absent...i've been having one of those weeks surreal...so i hope you're not upset with me blush i want to shoot but i look like hell (bug bites, black circles, and pimples galore blackeyed )...so i want to look good for it...i hope that isn't too long for you frown but let me know...in 1-2 weeks, i should be up and running! and i'll be there for whatever time works best for you...lysa still hasn't gotten back to me and i've heard there's some drama that way so maybe a diff. location would be best...there are so many places, i know we'll figure something out...i'll PM you with what i want in it- and maybe you can help me think of the best location for it!
again, so sorry i've been flaky- i love you, lady! kiss
yayyyy! you did the best job ever! again, i say: "Salt Lake City, here we come!" wink
xoxo- you are a true artist, my love. I couldn't thank you enough for your support and talent...I am truly blessed to have a friend like you... kiss and before i forget- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! biggrinwinkbiggrin
Hey there I have been out of the loop for quite awhile, been trying to focus on getting my health on track as well as my last month of school this semester. I always get a little stressed out the last month of the semester, prepping for finals. Working on my final projects/assignments. Whew! But I just thought I would share a few pics from...
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Still recuperating from the crash last week but working on it. biggrin Trying to connive some way to get a location for a set that ThroughnThrough and I are going to collaborate on in the near future. biggrin It's a great idea that we are both pretty stoked about, so hopefully we can find someone who will be forthcoming in letting us use their place! Keep your...
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thanks for lady boners love!! i like yours for me because they justify the ones i have for you biggrinwinkbiggrin
oh and we are soooo shooting...i'm on the meds already so i should be up and running by next week! since this set is still pending, i've decided that we are going to submit about 2 every fucking week lol...hope you're up for it lady! HERE I COME, SG! look out!biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrintonguetonguebiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
So glad you're alive my dear.
Thank you my good sir! I am as well!