Been out of state for a few days. Took a short little trip to MA with my Daddy
He came up from FL to surprise me for a couple of weeks and it has been awesome having him here! He has cooked damn near everyday he has been here and he is an amazing cook! Me and my roommates have been in Shangri-La! The best meal to date was herbed rice, stir-fry asparagus & BACON WRAPPED FILET MIGNON WITH CRABSAUCE! Holy Fuck wadda meal!! Also while we were in MA we did even MORE eating at a few classy restaurants, obviously it was a bitchen little vacation. And the cherry on top was getting to visit my best friend in RI (one of my favorite places). My Dad is quite the character and has been giving my roommate Dave lessons on how to pick up women! And my other roommate, Stray, affectionately calls him "Legend". It has been a blast and I am going to be sad when he heads home on Sat....

(And thanks!