Sometime's I wonder what my reflection has to say about me.
"wonder what my reflection has to say about me..." robot kiss
and Swoo's reflection says

quite looking at me you ugly fuck

wow... what a dick

hey you... i was out when you imed me but now i have your new/old sn so i'm sure i'll talk to you sometime soon. xoxoxo
my immediate family don't drink on principle--- they're Christians verging on the fundamentalist side of things eeek my extended family that live here drink a little, but nothing to write home about.

so yeah, going out to places i'd only normally go with my friends with my 57 year old aunt and her 40 year old lumberjack friend was pretty surreal, but they loved it, and people seemed to love them surreal

and thank god for that, because i was worried it was going to be an excrutiatingly awkward experience biggrin

low-grade hermitry--- what a great turn of phrase! yeah, my Salingeresque lifestyle is coming to an end, pretty much because it has to. I'll be moving to Belfast in three weeks or so, to do some postgraduate research, so it's time to rejoin the battle to make the best of the experience. i'm looking forward to it. ARRR!!!
Have fun weekends everyone.

Word for the day: Bennihanna.
you too. kiss

Ohhh I like the new profile pic. smile
Brain is not working today.

Left, right, up, down, in, out.

Cant center.

correct position
i like big guys. men. real things. not this metro-sexual thing thats going on i've been exposed to. i had to vent.
Indifcukable should totally be a real word.
Thanks for the iPod update. I'm shooting for the end of the year to buy myself one.

What does all this mean? Are you running up against the bureaucrats, is that it?

Does it feel good to give a name to your hate? Maybe I should try it, although I'm not sure I can think of anyone I hate right at the moment
(sorry to be so pathetic blush blush blush )
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. But it rocks absolutely, too.
Hard work often pays off after time. But laziness always pays off now.
ha reading that is not going to help me overcome the extreme job apathy I am feeling now. Honestly if the rest of the people I work with were not totally fucking incompetant slackers and losers I probably would have been fired by now. Not really sure where I was going with this but that seems to be all I got confused
So, ah, I'm waiting for your 'more'... blush

What happened to your profile, didn't it used to be really long?
Has anyone else seen the Western Union commercial with the girl from Miami who moves to LA and is constantly having her brother wire her money?

If so, am I the only one that flinches every time she says 'One day I am going to be a movie star' ?

Seriously, there is just something about those words that makes me shudder.
I don't watch much TV...I'm too busy trying to become a cultural icon! wink

Later that day:

The great and powerful Swoo!

A warm-up sketch before work! wink

[Edited on Jul 29, 2004 1:23PM]
and so day you be in one minor hit movie. squander your money like your doing now, and wind up in porn

*golf clap*
I couldn't tell you how many times I have heard people discussing art and bringing up which artist is 'better' than the other. Of course one can often argue on sheer technical merit that one artist might draw more realistic architecture, or characters, or such, but I argue that art should not be judged on sheer technical skill alone.

Good art to me has always...
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First off I'd like to end all discussion about which artist is better by proclaiming that I am the greatest artist that ever lived or will live.

Secondly, you need to write a book about art, because if you don't I will and since agree with everything you say it will come off as if I plagiarized every word.

Lastly, people talking about art is masterbation. Talking about art is criticism (which like masterbation is okay, but fucking is better.)

Signed, Art Fucker

I feel the same way when people talk about music sometimes. I talk about the way somebody's voice makes me feel, or the way a riff strikes some primal place in me and I will hear about somebody's 8 octave vocal range or how many chords are in a piece of music. I couldn't care less. I would rather hear something unpolished but full of passion than a souless but technically perfect rendition. In fact now that I think about it I feel the same way about people. I like imperfections, originality, individuality. I much prefer that to cookie cutter pefection. I think that is probably true of most people on the site. I feel SG represents that Idea.

all that aside, how are things? I am doing very well. I hope the same is true of you.

Oh and what is ATHF? it is driving me nuts. I cant figure it out.

[Edited on Jul 14, 2004 9:53PM]

I feel good. I don't know why, but I do.

That is all.

Update: Day get's better. I have the first part of two of my backpay from my old job. Oh lord, I'm going to die, I know it. Things only get this good just to tease you as everything come's crashing down. tongue
yah i WISH IT worked that way but i can say really dumb things sometimes. like REALLY dumb, i wear my heart on my sleeve which don't be workin in this new fancy millenium blackeyed

still havin good days? send me some ifn you got any extra , pleeeeeease

Hi! Hope you're having a great Friday and feeling even better! robot kiss
The average human heart beats 4,300 times per hour.

That is 800,000 times per week.

Nine million times a crisp fall.

2.7 billion times in a lifetime.

What's an average heart anyway?

If you had to choose between being a brain or a heart which one would you choose?

I would choose to be a heart, at least I would be doing something. If...
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I would totally be a brain. The heart is automatic man, but the brain is doing all kinds of weird shit. And sometimes it doesn't work at all.
A broken heart beats a thousand times faster trying to catch up and be normal again. I know, I've studied a few.

The heart really does all the work anyways. Don't listen to them uppity scientists... the brain is just a slave.

Ten Questions as posed to me by my friend Scott:

1. Why do you like the NFL team that you do?

It was my Da's favorite team, one of the few things I knew about him. I guess I latched onto 'his' team in some sad, desperate way of bringing forth some kind of imaginary closeness between us as a child.

2. What is the...
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Swoo, young man, I hadn't forgotten! Here is your sun/moon profile:
You have your sun in Leo and moon in Sagittarius... There's a lot of FIRE in that there sign, young man!
I guess I can hardly say I know you well, but this sounds fairly accurate to me - we are, after all, bound by Sagittarius... smile

'Hero-worship; honourable; adventurous; passionate; outspoken; intuitive; independent; loyal; proud; generous; warm sincerity; romantic visionary; restless; sociable; imperious; impractical; impatient...
You are a combination of fixed, self-centred creativity and the restless striving for novelty and knowledge. You may be the kingly nomadic, the travelling entertainer, the daredevil extrovert, the lucky artist, the regal philosopher, the captain of the team... self-assured, proud and resilient...
A nobility of spirit coupled with the savvy of a gambling gypsy... a creative adventurer... Essentially a restless explorer, either geographically or in the mental realms, you react rebelliously against being trapped in any one place, job, philosophy or relationship...
autocratic in style but egalitarian in spirit... full of innovative ideas and original ways of viewing things...
Because you are intensely honourable, you can seem somewhat high-minded at times, even though you are one of the most kind-hearted souls in the zodiac... instability... You may have enormous financial swings, as well as a lot of domestic disarray...
Integrity is your middle name; you detest human hypocrisy and will feel personally called upon to expose it where you find it... you can be very contemptuous of those whose moral standards fall too low to qualify, in your view, as human...
Naturally generous with your affections as well as with any material goods you have, you may need more than one person on whom you can bestow your fun-loving beneficence...
Restless, passionate and somewhat nervous... You need intellectual rapport with your partner, and to share your romantic vision of life...
A kind of manic 'upness' and constant pursuit of excitement may mask a hidden fear of being ordinary and bound by mortal limits, and you may be prone to unexplainable bouts of depression...
Strengths: High personal standards; broad and far-ranging intuitive mind; enthusiasm for learning and for personal development; and your open, resilient and positive friendliness towards others.
Weaknesses: Restlessness and inability to tie yourself down for long to relationships or projects; tendency to jump before thinking things through; and to dismiss ideas or others arrogantly with brusque, sarcastic pronouncements that wound far more than you intend.
Famous personalities: Ray Bradbury, Lisa Kudrow, Lawrence of Arabia, Herman Melville...
And now for your questions:
1. Denver Broncos. I liked the blue and orange colours as a kid, and the romance of the Mile High Stadium - not that I've ever been there, hell I was watching from another continent. (What's your team?)

2. This one, university lecturer. Or actually, interpreter for healthcare. I had to interpet for somalian and Romanian refugees who spoke broken French. It was interesting seeing hospitals from the other side of the power divide... My role was essentially pastoral... I always felt more on the side of the patients, the underdogs...

3. I was born in Scotland. It means 'dark water', which I find pretty appropriate. wink

4. Sonic Youth and Yo La Tengo, for showing me the beauty in noise. Blakes Babies and the Field Mice for their sensitivity in helping me through a troubled adolescence. American Music Club for showing me that you could also do philosophy in music (and hence,
anywhere) (on this last point, Bob Dylan, Leonard cohen and tom Waits, too, but Mark Eitzel did it first for me...)

5. LA, for the romance of the boulevards.

6. That question is all wrong. No, unless that higher being is what comes after humanity, humanity's next step. No, I believe that the process in which we're all caught up is beyond our understanding, to the extent that we can only catch glimpses of it and obliquely refer to it, but I'm not convinced there's any design to it, au contraire...

7. 'Echo Beach'.
'From 9 to 5 I have to spend my time at work
My job is very boring I'm an office clerk
The only thing that helps me pass the time away
Is knowing i'll be back on Echo Beach some day...'

8. (I like your answer to this, by the way, and actually all your answers wink )
Only in my mind. Although, actually, the fact that I spend no time at home and haven't returned home before 11pm for the past 6 months is pretty fucking 'alternative'... People think I'm straight, I look straight, but when the sun goes down and people go home to their families, I'm left wandering the streets...

9. 730_trixel_fem! Writing materials, music (this is cheating, I know, you'd need several items for this) and, I guess, a knife - the tool of civilisation!

10. Fellowship, for all the politics.

Thanks, I enjoyed writing this.