I promise a proper update this weekend, but I'm at work right now and can only relate one little tale for your amusement.
My friends are now thinking that perhaps if they fix me up with someone, I will stop crying over the loser. This seems reasonable to me, but there is that fear that the next one will be a bigger loser, but whatever. I seem to like that. Anyway, I suppose some people would think I should be ALONE for a while, but I have really been alone, for all practical purposes and intents, for about 11 years now. Yeah, I know I had a couple supposedly serious relationships in those 11 years, but it was just drama. They were never there ... like, think PRISON, or something equally stupid. The love of my life died 11 years ago and there really hasn't been anything significant to speak of since then...
Okay, so this is what my friend did and it is so funny to me that I have to post it: She called the SFV Hell's Angels clubhouse and asked for a referral for a man for me! I wonder if a Hell's Angel is any match for me? But, no, she was totally serious and they sat on the phone and discussed who might be suitable for me!!! Like so and so ... no, he's a prospect, he wouldn't have time for her. Or how about so and so ... naw, he's too old, she wouldn't like him.
I'm like ... how about the guy that empties the change from the vending machine? He is HOT! And he's not a Hell's Angel, so that sounded more sensible to me, but what do I know? And then they all had a nice chuckle at my expense.
Anyway, I guess now you know why my venting takes place online instead of to live people. If my friend's best thinking is to fix me up with a Hell's Angel to solve my relationship issues, well, I'm probably just better off relying on the kindness of strangers. Just a thought.
Thanks so much everyone ... your comments do mean a lot to me and encourage me!
Love to you,
My friends are now thinking that perhaps if they fix me up with someone, I will stop crying over the loser. This seems reasonable to me, but there is that fear that the next one will be a bigger loser, but whatever. I seem to like that. Anyway, I suppose some people would think I should be ALONE for a while, but I have really been alone, for all practical purposes and intents, for about 11 years now. Yeah, I know I had a couple supposedly serious relationships in those 11 years, but it was just drama. They were never there ... like, think PRISON, or something equally stupid. The love of my life died 11 years ago and there really hasn't been anything significant to speak of since then...
Okay, so this is what my friend did and it is so funny to me that I have to post it: She called the SFV Hell's Angels clubhouse and asked for a referral for a man for me! I wonder if a Hell's Angel is any match for me? But, no, she was totally serious and they sat on the phone and discussed who might be suitable for me!!! Like so and so ... no, he's a prospect, he wouldn't have time for her. Or how about so and so ... naw, he's too old, she wouldn't like him.
I'm like ... how about the guy that empties the change from the vending machine? He is HOT! And he's not a Hell's Angel, so that sounded more sensible to me, but what do I know? And then they all had a nice chuckle at my expense.
Anyway, I guess now you know why my venting takes place online instead of to live people. If my friend's best thinking is to fix me up with a Hell's Angel to solve my relationship issues, well, I'm probably just better off relying on the kindness of strangers. Just a thought.
Thanks so much everyone ... your comments do mean a lot to me and encourage me!
Love to you,

Have a great weekend!!
Don't spend your time placing blame on someone, or dwelling on the bad side of a person or relationship. What you focus on expands. For example, if you keep thinking negative things, negativity will increase. Same with positive thoughts. So, instead, send them love and wish them well, even if you do it silently. Then, having taken ownership of your life once again, move forward.
Last time I wrote you I think I may have referred to detaching from outcomes. Your present situation is no different. Just create the intention, such as meeting the right kind of man, and then let go. Don't keep thinking "Will I meet someone? Is he out there? Why am I alone?" etc. Just trust in the universe that there is someone out there for you, and then patiently wait for synchronicity to occur.
Operating from a position of detachment will increase the likelihood of positive manifestation.