Just had a great phone call with a model. I shot some stuff for her Zed cards a few weeks ago and she finally got back to me about the pictures, she hates them. Which, if youve done any shooting for models before, isnt all that rare. Most of them hate images of themselves, it really is quite amusing. And when they do like a...
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cool journal thinger.
Hmm. The rights situation seems complicated in any artistic milieu.

At the very least, the characters in my work do what I tell them, mostly. I can't imagine what it must be like trying to get a model to do what you want him/her to do. Must be quite aggravating when you're telling them exactly what you want and they simply can't give it.

Heh. I'd try your Siren trick today, but my dentis is a sixty-year-old German guy. I don't think it'll work.
Ive had another model flake on me yesterday. Which, in and of itself, isnt all that strange. The only models that never flake are men. Guys are dependable like that; maybe it feeds their ego or something, who knows? But women... When a girl contacts me about working with me, Ive got maybe a 40-50% chance of actually photographing them. If I actually pursue her?...
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i have no idea why female models flake so much... you should call them up and demand answers wink

on another note... is your photography online anywhere? i always love checking out photogprahy.
I did a shoot last weekend with Corinne, which was fantastic... However Im vexed. Im bothered by the images more then I should be. She was fantastic, achieved everything I asked of her and more, but Im still bothered. I figured it out today. It was the tattoo. There simply isnt as much impact without taking a seemingly normal girl and twisting it.

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Strange. I'd never given it much thought, but it makes sense that a tat would required different techniques, just like any other variation. I think my instinct would be to focus too much on the tattoo, which would be a mistake.

It reminds me of times when I've written something, only to find that I took completely the wrong bent on it. Like, I wrote a novella from the perspective of the wrong character, or the tone was completely inappropriate for the piece. Sometimes it's not even about that the piece is wrong, so much as afterwards I can see that there was a better way to go. It's rather vexing sometimes.
My kneejerk question is: is it possible to present an edgy subject in a way that takes away the edge but still leaves it interesting? What I mean is, would it be possible to take a tattooed, pierced, edgy girl and present her as extremely innocent without taking away the tattoos and piercings? We know the opposite is true; you can take the virgin-skinned, doe-eyed girl and present her in an edgy type way. I just wonder if there'd be anything to be gained from attempting to reverse it. Just the way my mind works sometimes.

I see the concept of the Nevaro type problem and how it would relate to tats/edgy factors. Instead of a pic presenting an overall aesthetic, you've got a pic of Nevaro that just happens to look good, which is fine if you're doing publicity type work, but kinda sucks if you're trying to do a little more with the medium that simply present a hot guy. I can see how good tats would quickly reduce to the same type of thing. I wish I knew more about photography so I could actually speak intelligently about this. It's an interesting dilemma that I've never given much thought to but am starting to see the problems with.
Im going downtown to this little Thai food place, Ocha.. Im going to eat tom ka gu and love every spoon full. Then later Im going to a gallery opening. Ive opted out of dressing the part since I dont really give a fuck tonight. Erica is out of town so itll be a hollow experience, however, there are supposedly some good photographers showing down...
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Thank you.

Ever since I learned to focus, I've wanted to stop focusing. I think I have issues.

Off to take a look at your stuff....
Oh, I agree you need to learn the rules first. That and digital has made me somewhat lazy. Sigh, what to do...what to do.
Im shooting this Saturday. Its going to be nice and cloudy in Vegas, so I dont need to drag an assistant around with me for reflectors and what not. This makes me happy! And to top it off, Im shooting Corinne again, for the first time in 4 years, in fact. She started this all... I cant wait. The shitty thing about Vegas is most...
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I believe I had unrealistic expectations in regards to SG and felt very disappointed not long after subscribing. I've found a balance with it, mostly, though it troubles me that I sometimes go several days before I remember that new naked women have been posted and that I should probably look at them.

Strange on the favorite girls thing. I do know that you can't simply choose one or two, for some reason. In the past I tried, but it didn't work. So, I chose a third girl mostly at random and it worked.

Your goal reminds me of my favorite Rule of Aquisition: "Employees are like rungs of the ladder: don't be afraid to step on them to get to the top."
Uh, yay.. Another journal to update! But that's okay, I'll prattle away about photography on this particular journal and leave the mundane to my main site - Supercilious Sacrifice.

By the way, if anyone would like to see more examples of my photography, feel free to follow the link above and click on the 'Cast/Photography' link, scroll down to the picture portion of the...
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Hi, no I've never modelled before, apart from some self portrait shots I did on a photography course! I offered to model for Chad Michael Ward the other day, cos I'm a big fan of his work...but that's if I ever visit the US!
Hmm. I've run into similiar types of people in the literary world. There is no reasoning with them. Or maybe I haven't yet found a suitable angle.