Hello, friends and strange wanderers through SGLand!

Because there's a lot on my brain I'm going to say some things now. I don't know if anyone reads these anyway, so I anticipate no serious harm to myself, and if it IS dangerous, well, I'll just have to live with that.

First off, I've taken to going to the gym. I joined less than three weeks...
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Those are all legitimate reasons to get healthy. I feel the same in regards to my parents. Good luck to you!
Thank you!
Nothing makes me sadder than when someone's politics are so stupid I can't even enjoy their tits.

That was a joke.

They say the heart wants what it wants. So does the penis, but no one ever says that. It would be undignified.

I am frustrated today. I came to a self-identified inclusive community of freaks, nerds, and weirdos, only to often be treated by those who claim to embrace freaks, nerds, and weirdos as some sort of freak, nerd, or weirdo.

I think my problem...
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It's been ten weeks. Seventy-one days, really. Two months. I really need to get laid. There, I said it. I feel a bunch better now.
I want a pink haired girl.

You know what the problem is with that? I'm a pretty calm, mellow, relaxed guy. You know who's not into that? Girls who dye their hair pink.

But I want a pink-haired girl. Should be able to find a pink-haired girl on Suicide Girls, right?

Anyway, that's today's complaint! LOL
I'd SIGNIFICANTLY rather be fucking.

I'm not. Boring Sunday. Need to clean. Haven't done much.

Lots going on in the cabeza, and in the heart, but mainly the hormones, you know, the male ones.

Anyway, really.... nothing else to add. Wish the St. Louis Suicide Girls contingent were... randier? Or had worse judgment, at least...

Anyway, that's my Sunday.
I will be SO fucking happy to get this year over with. 2012 already brings some looming negativity, but at least a new year represents a fresh start and a fresh chance. I don't buy into resolutions, because they're crap, but I will say that I intend to move every aspect of my life in a more positive direction in 2012. That's a tough one...
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I think I just experienced my first Internet death. It's among the strangest sets of feelings I've ever gone through.

I was browsing each of my friends' profiles, to find out more about them, see what they're up to. Now that I'm fully involved here, I'd like to get to know people and learn more about them. I'm a people watcher anyway, so it's natural...
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This is what A.D.D. actually looks like:

It's 6:34 on a Monday. I know I need to fill out my FAFSA. (Aren't you a little old to be filling out a FAFSA? Why yes, yes I am, but I'm planning to go to school next year and it's not local so I must quit my job to do it. So I need to get the...
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That is amazing!!
Thanks.... I guess! smile
I've reached a big decision. I either need to get a real, official, steady girlfriend, or about eleven not-so official girlfriends. I'm on Suicide Girls, so I know which one I'm leaning towards right now. And women love me, because I'm an average-looking, slightly overweight underacheiver who is nonetheless very confident in his intellect.

Thankfully, here on the site where dorks, punks, and hotties come...
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