Wrapping: up another week of work. Done and done. That is, if by work you count having my students teach me origami. A very funny class today. I mean, there is some great, complicated origami out there and I dig it; I was taught how to make a paper crane, a paper ninja star, a paper piano and a paper frog. All of which I...
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Rejoicing: in having internet again! I've been in Japan for 4 weeks and, for the most part, loving it all. I'm in a tiny rural farming town in Fukushima-Ken, about 3hrs drive from Tokyo. The rice paddies are beautiful, the food is awesome and the job doesn't suck. But the lack of internet for 4 weeks... that was hard going!
Wondering: how you all been?...
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Wondering: how you all been?...
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Work is worse than ever right now. Seriously. I shouldn't even be taking the time to write this to you.

pretty much, I have moved a few times and my room where ever I have been has always seemed slightly lacking as a place to come home to so yeah I have been picking up a few things to make the place a bit more comfortable for myself.
Rushing: around doing all the things that need doing before I leave for Japan. A couple of things are just not going to get done. So. Be. It.
Scratching: at the scab on my scalp. I had a basal cell carcinoma removed a month ago and, inevitably, the healing process is more irritating that having the damn cancer in the first place.
Eating: out every...
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Scratching: at the scab on my scalp. I had a basal cell carcinoma removed a month ago and, inevitably, the healing process is more irritating that having the damn cancer in the first place.
Eating: out every...
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Oi! You doin' ok?
I hope Japan is treating you well, Ms.

Reserving: my opinions on the new site lay-out until I've got some time to play around in it. What's your feeling? Are you loving or hating it?
Suffering: from yet another cold. Seriously, this is boring. I'm over phlegm-creating illnesses and infections, of which I've had 3 in the last 8 weeks. Get your shit together, immune system!
Looking: forward to finishing up at my...
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Suffering: from yet another cold. Seriously, this is boring. I'm over phlegm-creating illnesses and infections, of which I've had 3 in the last 8 weeks. Get your shit together, immune system!
Looking: forward to finishing up at my...
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Madam, if you're at all around next week, maybe we could do lunch or coffee. Things might be frantic, but after that I go away and you're likely (certain, I think) to be gone by the time I return.
Lemme know.
Lemme know.
I would happily apply for the position of site-crush but I fear I'm too busy. I wouldn't be able to commit to it. Alas.
I barely notice the new site anymore. It is certainly more click-intensive and fluffily designed than the last but there are some good added features. Eh *shrug*.
I barely notice the new site anymore. It is certainly more click-intensive and fluffily designed than the last but there are some good added features. Eh *shrug*.
Sharing: my latest JET news. I've received placement details. For the 12 months beginning 30 July, I'll be living in Yamatsuri-machi, Fukushima-ken. In other words, a v small, rural town called Yamatsuri in Fukushima Prefecture of Japan.
Official Fukishima-ken website
Official Yamatsuri website (oh, and don't bother clicking the English tab on the page - it don't work.)
My searches have turned up only a...
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Official Fukishima-ken website
Official Yamatsuri website (oh, and don't bother clicking the English tab on the page - it don't work.)
My searches have turned up only a...
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dude that's so awesome!!
there will probably be people who will say "it sucks that you didn't get to go to tokyo." and you can tell them to FUCK OFF.
Everyone said that to me when I lived in Australia for 6 months.. "it's a shame you didn't get to stay in Sydney...." No, it wasn't... I stayed on a 3000 acre sheep farm 5 hours away from Sydney. Every big, metropolitan, consumer-driven city in the world is pretty much like all the rest. When I visited, Sydney was just like Chicago, except with more beach. (No offense, I loved Sydney, but it's a city all the same) I actually might've been pissed if I did get placed in Sydney. I go to see a part of Australia that not very many people see - because they don't take the time to go there and don't want to live there. So.... enjoy your rural stay in Japan - it looks beautiful! 
there will probably be people who will say "it sucks that you didn't get to go to tokyo." and you can tell them to FUCK OFF.

very cute picture.
Congratulations on the Jet posting. That is going to be such an adventure.
Congratulations on the Jet posting. That is going to be such an adventure.

Keeping: a very long list of things to arrange, compile, obtain, offload, document, photocopy, certify, file, and/or pack for Japan. It's coming together quite smoothly. 'course that's because I have 11wks 'til I go. At the 1wk mark, it ain't going to be pretty.
Saying: yes. To whatever comes my way at the moment. Something of a new philosophy. It's a good change, too.
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Saying: yes. To whatever comes my way at the moment. Something of a new philosophy. It's a good change, too.
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The Ball was a lot of fun. I behaved myself though. Dammit.
My schedule is now best described as hellish but we have to do The Lunch Part II sometime soon.
My schedule is now best described as hellish but we have to do The Lunch Part II sometime soon.

Yeah, I marvel at most womens' stuff. I actually asked two girls I know to take me shopping next time they go so I can get a couple *outfits*. I figure I'll use them to be femmey and blend sometimes.

haha i dunno i think its more of a gurn than a smirk

and there aint nothing tough about smacking yourself in the face

Quoting: the letter from the Consular-General of Japan that I received on Friday...
"Dear Ms Sprat,
It is our great pleasure to inform you that you have successfully passed the second stage of the screening process for the 2006 Jet Programme year and are now on the final short-list for ALT candidates. You are now scheduled for placement in a Contracting Organisation, which is possible...
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"Dear Ms Sprat,
It is our great pleasure to inform you that you have successfully passed the second stage of the screening process for the 2006 Jet Programme year and are now on the final short-list for ALT candidates. You are now scheduled for placement in a Contracting Organisation, which is possible...
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Whoa thats fucking awesome!!
well done girl!
[Edited on Apr 18, 2006 12:25PM]

[Edited on Apr 18, 2006 12:25PM]

Reciting: stock sentences that are likely to turn up in my Japanese speaking test for class tomorrow night. Unless I pronounce myself to be 4pm years old - don't laugh, I've done it before - it should be fine.
Counting: down the days 'til I get my notice from the Japanese gov't about if I have been accepted into the programme or not. If not,...
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Counting: down the days 'til I get my notice from the Japanese gov't about if I have been accepted into the programme or not. If not,...
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Sounds like just another war movie, but I haven't seen it to know. I really enjoyed Three Kings, but that was just a heist movie really...
Coming to this brunch hookup on Good Friday? It'd be great to see you there.
Coming to this brunch hookup on Good Friday? It'd be great to see you there.
Running: around like the proverbial headless chicken. New full-time job, old part-time job, new Uni course, old Uni employment - it's messy but busy... and that's pretty much exactly how I like it.
Counting: down the days til I hear back about my JET interview. I think it went pretty well - I didn't totally bomb any question although didn't answer a couple as well...
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Counting: down the days til I hear back about my JET interview. I think it went pretty well - I didn't totally bomb any question although didn't answer a couple as well...
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Fingers x-ed for you, lady
Hope the camping was cathartic!

Hope the camping was cathartic!

I'm trying to grow my hair out too. It's not *quite* staying behind my ears so it's at the annoying stage. I'm hoping to get a bob a la dorothy parker eventually.
I envy you dearly on the camping front.
I envy you dearly on the camping front.

They have been campaigning Project Sun Bear for a while now and the enclosure looks amazing. Should be pretty huge when it opens up.
So you're originally from Aus?
Sprat said:
...a brick of a book about a stray cat in early 1900s Japan.
Hehe! Seriously?