Thanking: Oryx for my newly cropped profile pic. Feels and looks a lot more like me now.
Re-reading: Life of Pi by Yann Martel. It won the Booker for a reason - it's damn good.
Wearing: more layers. The weather's cooling off for the year. Me likes.
Appreciating: the comments I got from my supervisor on the chapter I'm currently writing. Apparently my writing style is "confident and engaging". Woo hoo.
Bragging: about my application writing skills. I write a damn good job application. I also write excellent enrolment applications. I've been offered every job I've applied for, I put together Freaky's application for her current job (which not only gave her the next step along the career path she wants but also means she can now afford to be my sugar mummy when my scholarship runs out), and just last week I heard from a dear friend that the Harvard application I wrote for him has been accepted and he'll be going this year.
Asking: is there a long-term, interesting, well-paid career in writing applications? If so, I want to apply...
Re-reading: Life of Pi by Yann Martel. It won the Booker for a reason - it's damn good.
Wearing: more layers. The weather's cooling off for the year. Me likes.
Appreciating: the comments I got from my supervisor on the chapter I'm currently writing. Apparently my writing style is "confident and engaging". Woo hoo.
Bragging: about my application writing skills. I write a damn good job application. I also write excellent enrolment applications. I've been offered every job I've applied for, I put together Freaky's application for her current job (which not only gave her the next step along the career path she wants but also means she can now afford to be my sugar mummy when my scholarship runs out), and just last week I heard from a dear friend that the Harvard application I wrote for him has been accepted and he'll be going this year.
Asking: is there a long-term, interesting, well-paid career in writing applications? If so, I want to apply...
i've been considering shaving my head for the summer, and naturally thought of you.