Sharing: my latest JET news. I've received placement details. For the 12 months beginning 30 July, I'll be living in Yamatsuri-machi, Fukushima-ken. In other words, a v small, rural town called Yamatsuri in Fukushima Prefecture of Japan.
Official Fukishima-ken website
Official Yamatsuri website (oh, and don't bother clicking the English tab on the page - it don't work.)
My searches have turned up only a few dodgy images, as below:
Thanking: my lucky stars for this. Sure, it's the middle of nowhere, in some ways. But it's also only about 1.5hrs from Tokyo on the train, it's likely to be reasonably cheap because it's the country and I'm feeling like some country air for a while.
(Updating: my profile pic to reflect my beanie-wearing status right now. Sydney's getting cold!)
Official Fukishima-ken website
Official Yamatsuri website (oh, and don't bother clicking the English tab on the page - it don't work.)
My searches have turned up only a few dodgy images, as below:

Thanking: my lucky stars for this. Sure, it's the middle of nowhere, in some ways. But it's also only about 1.5hrs from Tokyo on the train, it's likely to be reasonably cheap because it's the country and I'm feeling like some country air for a while.
(Updating: my profile pic to reflect my beanie-wearing status right now. Sydney's getting cold!)
there will probably be people who will say "it sucks that you didn't get to go to tokyo." and you can tell them to FUCK OFF.
Congratulations on the Jet posting. That is going to be such an adventure.