Keeping: a very long list of things to arrange, compile, obtain, offload, document, photocopy, certify, file, and/or pack for Japan. It's coming together quite smoothly. 'course that's because I have 11wks 'til I go. At the 1wk mark, it ain't going to be pretty.
Saying: yes. To whatever comes my way at the moment. Something of a new philosophy. It's a good change, too.
Moving: just about every piece of furniture I own. One of my oldest friends has moved into my study/spare room meaning everything had to shuffle around to make space for her vast array of shoes, girly products and clothes (seriously - it's been a long time since I've lived with a straight girly girl, I'd forgotten how much stuff they have!). It's come together OK - probably better than I had expected - but my shoulder muscles are grumbling in protest.
Saying: yes. To whatever comes my way at the moment. Something of a new philosophy. It's a good change, too.
Moving: just about every piece of furniture I own. One of my oldest friends has moved into my study/spare room meaning everything had to shuffle around to make space for her vast array of shoes, girly products and clothes (seriously - it's been a long time since I've lived with a straight girly girl, I'd forgotten how much stuff they have!). It's come together OK - probably better than I had expected - but my shoulder muscles are grumbling in protest.
My schedule is now best described as hellish but we have to do The Lunch Part II sometime soon.