It's my birthday!!!! I am now officially old. So the big question on my mind now is...Who's gonna get drunk with me?
Yo podria, oh si.
Happy Birthday suga plum! I hope you set up an SGNY event soon so I can attend it to celebrate!

Haven't been on or posted in quite some time so I just thought I would take a breif brake from my insanity to update this thing... Been having a lot going on lately, found out the girl I was seeing was just basically using me; another god-damned fault of being a "nice guy"...i gotta stop doin' that shit already, work on being more of an...
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So here I am again, I'm finding myself to be more and more into this site lately... I'll admit at first it was all about checking out the hot girls but the more I look around the site the more interesting people and writings draw me to this site. I'm just killing some time before my next client so I thought i'd post a quick...
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Happy Tday to you, too!
Welcome to the Post-Porn discovery tongue

This is actually Suicide Girls utopia smile smile
Ok, so it has been forever since I've posted on this site but I am finding myself with a lot to say today and nobody to listen so I might as well vent on here a little. I just want to say that I am sick and tired of people, in general. It has always been in my nature to be a good person, to...
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So I cannot believe it's Saturday night on Memorial Day weekend and I'm sitting at home on the damn computer! I did have plans to go out but everyone bailed on me with one excuse or another... I think I need to find some new friends to go out with. Single friends who won't be tied up everytime there's something fun to do. Damn, my...
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I'M BACK!!! Hey everybody, been busy with work lately so I havent been on SG in a while. Glad to be back and I hope to hear from everyone soon.
So I've had it, I'm sick and tired of it all. I'm sick and tired of being the "nice guy" that always gets pushed around an fucked over. At first I thought being a "nice guy" was a good thing; I always did my best to make things right and put other peoples' needs ahead of my own... only for them to turn right around...
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Happy Birthday! smile
Hey where are you!!

What did you fall off the face if the Earth? frown
Holy shit I'm tired today!!! (pardon my language ladies...) I woke up at 4am, as usual, to get to my early morning clients and out of 5 clients only two bothered to show up! I mean, yeah I still get paid for them but I would've appreciated a heads up so I can at leat sleep in a little longer. Aside from that, I'm glad...
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Where in NY do you live? ..... Just curious....

Good luck with the whole bonus thing. A good friend of mine is a personal trainer and she tells me the same thing that you just said - Gotta kiss ass to do good in this profession.
Good morning everybody... For once in a very rare time, I actually got to sleep in until a decent time this morning. I normally wake up at 4am every day (m-f) to get to the gym in time for my 6am clients. Last night ALL THREE of my morning clients I had booked called out sick so not only did I get to sleep in...
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Welcome to the site smile
hey, i don't want to bug you or anything, but you gave me advice about my messed up knee in the fitness boards. tomorrow will make one week of me not running, but i work on my feet at my job, so i don't really see my knee getting better. there seems to be swelling below my kneecap, not underneath, and it kind of just feels like a bunch of fluid, it is all gooshy. my knee does not really hurt as much as it is just an achy, creaky feeling. i have noticed the cold weather really makes it bad, i am such an old lady! so, what do you think? let me know your thoughts if you have a minute smile
Wow, I think I may be becoming addicted to this site... I keep constantly returning to the page throughout the day to check out all the cool and interesting people on this site. It's so refreshing to meet real people after spending all day at work being nice to all the rich & uptight folk who pay my bills... Anyways, I'm inbetween clients right now,...
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I know. We're all addicted!