New wheels RAWK THE FUCK OUT !!!
In other news, I havent updated in a while .... nothing terribly exciting going on, Im finally getting my new computer today for the apartment, hence no more dial-up CRAP to deal with, which also makes me happy.
Not sure whether I can make it to FLux tonight, unfortunately ... finances are tight, and I need to pay...
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In other news, I havent updated in a while .... nothing terribly exciting going on, Im finally getting my new computer today for the apartment, hence no more dial-up CRAP to deal with, which also makes me happy.
Not sure whether I can make it to FLux tonight, unfortunately ... finances are tight, and I need to pay...
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I posted a MP3 of the mix I was working Wednesday night. Its in my profile, Give it a listen.

Update, update!
I know I havent updated in an age, and I apologize ... I havent spent much time at the mater unit's haus lately, things have been fairly chaotic in my world lately.
In any case, things are definitely looking up, Ive decided. Tomorrow' Ill have the new wheels on the road, and that will make me infinitely happier, as I wont be stuck in this...
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In any case, things are definitely looking up, Ive decided. Tomorrow' Ill have the new wheels on the road, and that will make me infinitely happier, as I wont be stuck in this...
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car? going well i hope?
i think i was one of the subjects of that test
i didn;t realize they had published the results yet though!
a hectic life is a good one i am sure, at least you are not bored out of your mind!
congrats on the new vroom! and keep those CT boys in line for me!

i didn;t realize they had published the results yet though!
a hectic life is a good one i am sure, at least you are not bored out of your mind!
congrats on the new vroom! and keep those CT boys in line for me!
So yeah, its been a while since I updated. Oops, sorry guys -- I didnt forget about any of you, it's just been busy, crazy, chaotic, trying, retarded, loathsome, disappointing, depressing, fun, interesting, heartbreaking and annoying all rolled into one. Did I mention confusing? Ugh.
Things to be worried / depressed / angry about pertaining to the madness that was this past week:
- My...
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Things to be worried / depressed / angry about pertaining to the madness that was this past week:
- My...
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Hello Hotness,
what's up?
Hope things are going better soundslike from your journal entry you have a lot on your plate.
not sure how many SG folks are going to flux tonight. sounds like a lot are bowing out for this week. however, Is till want to go since I have a new outfit to wear.... but WELNTAOD is afraid he will have no one to talk to. hmpf.
so maybe we will compromise and go for a little while....
what's up?
Hope things are going better soundslike from your journal entry you have a lot on your plate.
not sure how many SG folks are going to flux tonight. sounds like a lot are bowing out for this week. however, Is till want to go since I have a new outfit to wear.... but WELNTAOD is afraid he will have no one to talk to. hmpf.
so maybe we will compromise and go for a little while....
Ah, poetry day .... which also means its Wednesday, for teh fluxx0rs ... w00t!
Sorry for the lack of updating this week, my mothers k0mput0r is a piece of SHIT with a dialup connection and I havent had time to really even think at work ... as far as the past few days are concerned, the following statements are true:
- Snow can fucking bite...
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Sorry for the lack of updating this week, my mothers k0mput0r is a piece of SHIT with a dialup connection and I havent had time to really even think at work ... as far as the past few days are concerned, the following statements are true:
- Snow can fucking bite...
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call your friends back once in a whle and say"whaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppp!=p

UPDATE DAMNIT, want to hear all about the c0n3y 1sand trip
lol, seriously, cant wait to hear the epic tales of adventure, and i hope that you guys had a gr8 time.
Much love,

lol, seriously, cant wait to hear the epic tales of adventure, and i hope that you guys had a gr8 time.
Much love,

So Ive personally decided-ish that today should have a "post a movie quote" type theme ... for a lot of reasons. I dunno if this will even fly, or how many people will take this seriously, but my idea is as such:
Post a movie quote that is close to your heart / explains a thought, idea or emotion that you are feeling currently or...
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Post a movie quote that is close to your heart / explains a thought, idea or emotion that you are feeling currently or...
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hmmmmmm, favorit movie quote -- no question
"through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city to take back the child that you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me." sarah, from labrynth.
i recite this to myself regularly - i remember exactly how i felt the first time i ever heard it ... its something i cherish in an alice in wonderland way. this movie ... oh my. its definitely the source for my life long love affair with snowglobes.
"through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city to take back the child that you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me." sarah, from labrynth.
i recite this to myself regularly - i remember exactly how i felt the first time i ever heard it ... its something i cherish in an alice in wonderland way. this movie ... oh my. its definitely the source for my life long love affair with snowglobes.
Oooo you have very beautiful pictures!

[return transmission]
The crew returns from Philly, having had a very kick-ass time, thanks to the company of Nurse_Mengele (with the spikey one in tow), as always, who RAWxx0rED the fuckin decks, as expected and King_of_Skulls, whose presence always makes for a wonderful time. Also met up with people we haven't seen in a while -- it was good to hang out. Also met...
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The crew returns from Philly, having had a very kick-ass time, thanks to the company of Nurse_Mengele (with the spikey one in tow), as always, who RAWxx0rED the fuckin decks, as expected and King_of_Skulls, whose presence always makes for a wonderful time. Also met up with people we haven't seen in a while -- it was good to hang out. Also met...
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I understand the lack ov dancin hon
I wanted to but like....yeah....different crowd doin the rivet thing was kinda scary lol
I'm really happy you had a good time. Make sure you get a gig there, dammit!!!!!!

I'm really happy you had a good time. Make sure you get a gig there, dammit!!!!!!

i really enjoyed speaking with you and am sending you my love. i know exactly what you mean about imprinted psychic energy in your surroundings. i see shit all the time. sometimes very painful but having that ability also allows you to see beauty that is beyond the beyond. things that are so beautiful, that after you experience it, nothing of this world can ever come close to really fulfilling you again.

i really enjoyed speaking with you and am sending you my love. i know exactly what you mean about imprinted psychic energy in your surroundings. i see shit all the time. sometimes very painful but having that ability also allows you to see beauty that is beyond the beyond. things that are so beautiful, that after you experience it, nothing of this world can ever come close to really fulfilling you again.
The ECSTASY of PAIN ..... namely, I got new ink last night with Nurse_Mengele and it fuckin RAWKS. Man .... I needed that SO badly. PLUS, the tattoo kicks ass to boot. Aeryn posted a pic of hers, mine is the same exact thing (yes we got matching tattoos, we suck LOL) .... we both got them on our upper right arm ... man if...
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Have fun down thier and make sure Mr. KoS drives safe

So last night was AWESOME ... did MUCH drinking, and much dancing -- as planned. It was awesome to see such a good turnout of new people, as well as the usual suspects, ov course.
Mah girl Nurse_Mengele rawked the fuckin decks, as usual. Awesome sets hon!
And of course, yanno, we need to see *those* pictures ... I know you know which ones Im...
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Mah girl Nurse_Mengele rawked the fuckin decks, as usual. Awesome sets hon!
And of course, yanno, we need to see *those* pictures ... I know you know which ones Im...
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whoo hoo! new ink! have fun in philly.

yay tats!! whoohoo - i can't wait to see pictures. also, get kos to tell of the latest hair drama. i think *fingers crossed* its finally ok. and btw, from now on no colour unless you do it!
So I figure before I unjack myself from this evil contraption, go home and go to bed, Id get a head start on peotry day ... since I have no idea what is in store for me for the work day tomorrow, yay. Probably nothing, but you never know ...
Anyway, here goes -- another by yours truly, enjoy !!
"Tattered Whispers"
Curling smoke ascends...
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Anyway, here goes -- another by yours truly, enjoy !!
"Tattered Whispers"
Curling smoke ascends...
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more shots?
hehe, if you insist
hehe, if you insist
Ahoy everyone --
Those that were at Bound and Flux no doubt met my gorgeous partner in crime, Aeryn. She has joined us here on SG, so everyone send her a shout out at Nurse_Mengele !! Shes a sweet girl, a wonderful DJ, and so much more ....
Those that were at Bound and Flux no doubt met my gorgeous partner in crime, Aeryn. She has joined us here on SG, so everyone send her a shout out at Nurse_Mengele !! Shes a sweet girl, a wonderful DJ, and so much more ....
Yay!! A new friend for the starisea crew! Can't wait to share many more conversations and adventures with you..

Hurray for Aeryn!
By the way, I accepted you as a friend, and then accidentally removed you, doh! I've re-requested to add you though, so hopefully that will work.
I look forward to taking more photos of you at BOUND. . .
By the way, I accepted you as a friend, and then accidentally removed you, doh! I've re-requested to add you though, so hopefully that will work.
I look forward to taking more photos of you at BOUND. . .
Hello everyone!
Im so bad with updating my journals ... in case you haven't noticed LOL
Flux and BOUND was awesome, per usual. It was wonderful to meet The_Retronerd and Dalonghair and like ... everyone else I forgot at BOUND, hope to be seeing more of you in the future ... awesome to see Buddha and Welntaod and AlienPrincess as usual ..... but there needs...
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Im so bad with updating my journals ... in case you haven't noticed LOL
Flux and BOUND was awesome, per usual. It was wonderful to meet The_Retronerd and Dalonghair and like ... everyone else I forgot at BOUND, hope to be seeing more of you in the future ... awesome to see Buddha and Welntaod and AlienPrincess as usual ..... but there needs...
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p.s. your new pics are smashing baby!
I gotta start hanging out on AIM more now that I have a solid connection up... My handle is WelnTaod...easy enough to remember.
Congrats on playing hooky! Mondays are my day off, wouldn't have it any other way.

stuff & things