I need to blow off some steam.
It has been a long time since I've posted anything. The latest news is that I now live in Knoxville, TN. If there are any SG fans in the area, contact me.
I got a bathing suit. I just need a towel and then I can rock your pool with my cleavage (and my speed-reading).
Hey dude. I know you're not checking this but hope you're doing well. I'm sending you some "don't go crazy yet because this year will eventually come to an end" love.

When performing chest compressions on someone, it's not uncommon to feel ribs crack. It is, however, a little creepy.
When performing chest compressions on someone, it's not uncommon to feel ribs crack. It is, however, a little creepy.
random, i know, but are you into bdsm at all?
what can i say? I'm a domme without a sub/bottom and I'm getting desperate haha. Looking for younger friends to drag into the local scene.
random, i know, but are you into bdsm at all?
what can i say? I'm a domme without a sub/bottom and I'm getting desperate haha. Looking for younger friends to drag into the local scene.
I'm so sorry darling 

First, some happy news. Friday I went to Athens. John and Heather gave me a place to crash. For dinner, they humored me and my addiction to Taco Stand's cheap and wonderful food. That night, we hung out with LadyL and Bruce at their new house. We tried to play a new board game. However, no matter how much we drank, it was too difficult...
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An Open Letter I Hoped I Never Had Reason To Write
Dear Patient,
I am your medical student. Though I am here to learn, I am still a member of your healthcare team. I study your medical records to better understand you and your situation. I act as your advocate to ensure that you receive the best care we can provide. I keep you and...
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Dear Patient,
I am your medical student. Though I am here to learn, I am still a member of your healthcare team. I study your medical records to better understand you and your situation. I act as your advocate to ensure that you receive the best care we can provide. I keep you and...
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maybe he just felt really comfortable around you. which in a way, is kinda cool.
i'm sure you handled the situation with aplomb.
i'm sure you handled the situation with aplomb.
I was hanging out with two friends at the usual bar. We decided on a change of scenery and walked to a place usually frequented by rockers, punks, skinheads and people who would be hipsters if they bought 40-dollar-tshirts and 150-dollar-stressed-jeans. The bar had a pool table and a dart board, and we didn't know anyone there, so it was perfect.
The highlight of the...
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The highlight of the...
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I haven't been feeling well lately. Work ended early Friday, so I went home and slept for a few hours. Around 10 PM, I was wide awake. I didn't feel like going to a smoky bar, so I decided to stay in and clean. I'd made some progress, so I decided to reward myself with a cold, refreshing beer. To my disappointment, the beer was...
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i had a step-second-uncle who was blinded by a freak fridge accident somewhat like that. i'm glad you're okay!
i'd a fun time at the frolicon and am recuperating; despite not getting drunk i'm worn the heck out.
i'd a fun time at the frolicon and am recuperating; despite not getting drunk i'm worn the heck out.
mmmm......freon. hope your finger is okay. thanks for the comment on my set

Spring break was fun. Nothing too exciting or catastrophic happened. My skin is a bit darker and my hair is several shades lighter. I drank more and read less than I had planned, but I got to hang out with my friends so I can't complain much about how I spent my time. I also learned something important (potentially extremely important) about myself. I cannot...
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Leaving for Florida tomorrow with some friends. I've never been on a spring break beach trip. The only problem at this point is that I have a cold. However, I've been sick for 3 days now, so hopefully, I'll recover soon. Wish me a fun and safe trip. I mean that, dammit. I'm tired of bad luck. Surround me in white light, fuckers.
Happy birthday! I hope florida is treating you well and beautiful, tan women are throwing themselves at your feet.
only partially alive
I'm back home on my neurology rotation now. It's all clinic work, which isn't my favorite thing to do, but the hours are nice. I arrive at 8 AM, and I'm out the door at or before 5 PM. I'm not complaining at all about that. Some parts are really interesting. I'm getting to see some really interesting things. The downside is that, like a...
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Here I've been feeling sorry for myself, when really I should've been feeling sorry for you.