BMI Two Years Ago: 42%
BMI Ten Weeks Ago: 36%
BMI Today: 31%

comment damnit
Sometime in Feburary:

Columbus Ohio Subarctic Tundra Midnight BMX Olympics

BMX Team Jousting
BMX Cricket
BMX Horseshoes
BMX Tetherball
BMX Jarts

And any other off the wall non-bike activiities to be done on bikes I can think of.
I've been sent here to cheer you up by Sharona1881. Can't think of anything good to say so i will just make a weird noise:

Lots of fucking bike riding. This is week 7 of riding 4-5 times a week, three or four times a day, half hour to two hours at a tiime. In the last two weeks, I've done the same, but every day. Beats drinking the way I was. It's kinda weird, but I just can't get in the car anymore. It's like a part of me...
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hmm.. interesting proposal... send me a plane ticket and ill think about it wink
It's 23 degrees, snowing, and the roads are totally slick. Perfect weather for a ride. I ride every day, but this morning's ride warrants mentioning. After I made it up the big hill to get to Lane Ave., there was a light snowfall, the sky was perfectly clear, it was still dark, and it was totally silent. There was a period of about 5 seconds...
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Grr. The way people blow me off pisses me off hardcore. Someday, you'll need me, and I will laugh at you and hope you die.
When I started a hosting account at dreamhost I got a free domain name. What I would do with a 13th domain name, I had no idea.

Former MTV VJ Adam Curry came up with this idea for a program which automatically downloads files in RSS 2.0 enclosures. You subscribe to a RSS feed, and the program downloads the content (audio in this case) to...
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so yeah. I'm bad, in a really shitty way. I don't even talk to people anymore, hop online, or anything. At one time, I was probably the most outgoing person I know, but these days, I just... am. It seems as though every time I open my mouth, meet up with someone new, or something, dramatic BS ensues. I'm just tired. I need something new,...
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you know, that sounds like you read my mind. i only sign on aol to read people's away messages and bitch at my sister... don't really update any journals... don't talk on the phone... i do, however, watch plenty of wheel of fortune and cartoons. at least there are always cartoons.
I've slept 6 hours in 4 days.

I just wanted to write to let someone know I was thinking of them.
I know how that feels.
I tend not to sleep much at times neither, gets very surreal at times.
C'mere so I can hug you! smile
Had tons of fun! The flood damage here is insane though. There are entire homes floating down the river. Will update @ home

Rain--------------> mad skull puke
Going to pittsburgh today,will update my journal via the skord phone. Check for camera phone pics in my camera phone folder