I would like to seriously know why men go for women that are so much younger than them that there is actual generation differences.
I'm now hearing of this from different men folk almost weekly. It isn't the actual number of years that bothers me, more like the maturity level.
For example: I'm 29 now if I was to date a 45 year that is absolutely no big deal age wise. It would be a big deal if this guy had been married has kids and is close to, let's say retirement. What would we talk about? What would we do together that was outside the bedroom? I've never been married, I can't even fathom children and I'm just starting my future career so why bother with someone that is in such a completely different space than I?
I try to be a voice of reason to these wayward men but it just doesn't seem to get through. It's a full blown travesity I tell you all. Stop being such slut's and find someone that is in the same realm as you for christ's sakes.
That is all..
DISCLAIMER: It's not about any of you though some may suffer from this affliction...
I'm now hearing of this from different men folk almost weekly. It isn't the actual number of years that bothers me, more like the maturity level.
For example: I'm 29 now if I was to date a 45 year that is absolutely no big deal age wise. It would be a big deal if this guy had been married has kids and is close to, let's say retirement. What would we talk about? What would we do together that was outside the bedroom? I've never been married, I can't even fathom children and I'm just starting my future career so why bother with someone that is in such a completely different space than I?
I try to be a voice of reason to these wayward men but it just doesn't seem to get through. It's a full blown travesity I tell you all. Stop being such slut's and find someone that is in the same realm as you for christ's sakes.
That is all..
DISCLAIMER: It's not about any of you though some may suffer from this affliction...
Thinking good thoughts for you, sweetie.

that's why i'm with someone 9 days younger than me. God knows why she's with me.