Well, my previous Logic, Love and Happiness blog post has been up for two weeks now. It took me a long, long time to write, which is why I kept it up for so long, I didn't want it all to be for nothing.
But I think it's about time I updated.
So what's new?
Well, I've given up chocolate. Seems like a little thing,...
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But I think it's about time I updated.
So what's new?
Well, I've given up chocolate. Seems like a little thing,...
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Great. I'm having an epic appetite for chocolate, it's an outrageous rainstorm outside and all the nearer shops are closed, and then I stumble across a blog with pictures of chocolate... fuck. The last picture is killing me.
Oh my god, that last picture is so frikkin HOT! I'm in the same boat - I've given up Diet Coke. Day three, and I'm getting the shakes a little... which can't be normal?!? xxx
OK. Before I start, I'll get a few things out of the way. Firstly, although I really did wanna write about this in my blog, I am a bit worried about it. To me, one of the main points of putting your thoughts down in writing is that it's a way of straightening out in your own head the confusion you might be feeling over...
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But, then again there is a small probability I could be wrong
I started this about two weeks ago and your latest blog reminded me I hadnt posted it so Ive tried to finish it and remember what I was actually trying to say! I hope it makes some semblance of sense with respect to your epic post...I've not got time right now t o reread your thread and see if it does! lol
Well that was worth waiting for!
Turns out Im just like you.
Scarily so.
I spent years with the stone cold belief that if you cant prove something how can you believe in it? (See: any major religion of the world, that Coventry city will one day regain premiership status) Blind faith in anything just doesnt wash with me.
Im a research scientist/engineer so everything I do in every hour on the job is, and must be, logically thought out and undertaken so that I can prove that X happened because wed changed Y and kept Z constant yadda yadda yaddaand not that X happened becauseermwell, it did, so magic must be responsible.
But Ive never wanted to offend people with my belief that their beliefs/ideas are all crap. I couldnt see the point of making someone unhappy by crushing their beliefs (whether it be something major like a great man in the sky created everything or something trivial like You need to suck the ice cubes in a gin and tonic as the ice cubes absorb the alcohol)
Then, and Im not sure if this comes with age, I grew tired of submitting to silence regarding everyone elses opinions and beliefs and an epiphany occurred.
Nowadays I really dont think people should be left to blindly believe what they want without at least considering what other explanations there are. (Blind faith just doesnt seem right to me)
When we have discussions now, I now explain what I believe and why (via proof), ask them to explain why they believe and what their proof is, examine what they believe what they believe rationally and logically and examine and explain why theyre wrong!
To quote Brian clough We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right
I know that makes me sound like some ego driven know-it-all but honestly, Im not.
What I do know and care about, I know inside out and will defend my thoughts with logical reasoning and argument and wont back down.
But I also know a little about a lot of things (though as Alexander Pope said A little learning is a dangerous thing) so lots of my thoughts and beliefs arent grounded in fact but, dare I say it, what Ive assumed or what my parents instilled into me; so this leaves me open to continued learning so there are very few things where my beliefs cannot be swayed with cold hard logical facts.
Ive become a lot more outspoken in me old age but have also becom a lot more open minded about a lot of things
Well that was worth waiting for!
Turns out Im just like you.
Scarily so.
I spent years with the stone cold belief that if you cant prove something how can you believe in it? (See: any major religion of the world, that Coventry city will one day regain premiership status) Blind faith in anything just doesnt wash with me.
Im a research scientist/engineer so everything I do in every hour on the job is, and must be, logically thought out and undertaken so that I can prove that X happened because wed changed Y and kept Z constant yadda yadda yaddaand not that X happened becauseermwell, it did, so magic must be responsible.
But Ive never wanted to offend people with my belief that their beliefs/ideas are all crap. I couldnt see the point of making someone unhappy by crushing their beliefs (whether it be something major like a great man in the sky created everything or something trivial like You need to suck the ice cubes in a gin and tonic as the ice cubes absorb the alcohol)
Then, and Im not sure if this comes with age, I grew tired of submitting to silence regarding everyone elses opinions and beliefs and an epiphany occurred.
Nowadays I really dont think people should be left to blindly believe what they want without at least considering what other explanations there are. (Blind faith just doesnt seem right to me)
When we have discussions now, I now explain what I believe and why (via proof), ask them to explain why they believe and what their proof is, examine what they believe what they believe rationally and logically and examine and explain why theyre wrong!
To quote Brian clough We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right
I know that makes me sound like some ego driven know-it-all but honestly, Im not.
What I do know and care about, I know inside out and will defend my thoughts with logical reasoning and argument and wont back down.
But I also know a little about a lot of things (though as Alexander Pope said A little learning is a dangerous thing) so lots of my thoughts and beliefs arent grounded in fact but, dare I say it, what Ive assumed or what my parents instilled into me; so this leaves me open to continued learning so there are very few things where my beliefs cannot be swayed with cold hard logical facts.
Ive become a lot more outspoken in me old age but have also becom a lot more open minded about a lot of things
This blog is taking on a life of it's own! Today it's gone up to over 3,100 words
So yes, I think I may post it in sections, one day at a time.
Still not finished yet.
I suppose I should say something though. but I don't know what. Don't really wanna go into loads of details about my life at the moment, it's kinda...
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So yes, I think I may post it in sections, one day at a time.
Still not finished yet.
I suppose I should say something though. but I don't know what. Don't really wanna go into loads of details about my life at the moment, it's kinda...
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It's a head fuck to me as a physicist too, try teaching it! Damn if only we had evolved as beings that move at relativistic speeds I would have some intuition for this junk! If you haven't read it, I totally totally recommend 'The NEW World of Mr Tompkins', by the physicist George Gamow, it's good times for everyone.
It's been a month since I said I'd do my Logic blog and I'm afraid I've just been a bit slack. And it's difficult to write, I'm out of practise when it comes to essays. So far, it has 1700 words So I realise that even when it's done, only a few people will bother to read it.
You never know how something you write, say or do will affect others. Words and deeds can seemingly develop a life of their own. However few may initially read your work, who can say how they or others may eventually benefit from it?
I'm looking forward to reading what you've been working on. Please publish whatever you wish whenever you can. No pressure. I've enjoyed the content of all of your blogs
I'm looking forward to reading what you've been working on. Please publish whatever you wish whenever you can. No pressure. I've enjoyed the content of all of your blogs
Oh Mr Heathen, I think I may love you.
And I promise to faithfully read your blog when it arrives. After all, you read the endless twaddle I write. x
And I promise to faithfully read your blog when it arrives. After all, you read the endless twaddle I write. x
Here's a treat for all of you!
This is me singing "The Preacher and The Slave" by Joe Hill at a local bar. Enjoy!
Long-haired preachers come out every night,
Try to tell you what's wrong and what's right;
But when asked how 'bout something to eat
They will answer in voices so sweet
You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land above...
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This is me singing "The Preacher and The Slave" by Joe Hill at a local bar. Enjoy!
Long-haired preachers come out every night,
Try to tell you what's wrong and what's right;
But when asked how 'bout something to eat
They will answer in voices so sweet
You will eat, bye and bye,
In that glorious land above...
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Well, aren't you just full of suprises? That was good... and you're a musician! x
That cat looks mightly pissed in the second picture. Aww, I hope he gets well soon.
When I get my two new kitties they will be called Schrodinger and Pavlov.
Cats pwn dogs. x
When I get my two new kitties they will be called Schrodinger and Pavlov.
Cats pwn dogs. x
Owww, I just had to put the lotion on his cut again, and he reeeeally doesn't like that. He hisses at me when I do it.
Sorry buddy, but if you're gonna go gettin into fights...
Sorry buddy, but if you're gonna go gettin into fights...
I've just spent a bit more time tonight writing my "Logic, Love and Happiness" blog that I've been talking about for a while now. I'm finding it very difficult to write, for many reasons. I want it to be right, so I guess I shouldn't really call it a blog now. It is, to all intents and purposes, an essay. It's somewhat philosophical and also...
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I hope so
God, I'm in such a strange, strange situation... and I wish I knew what to do...
Whats up?
Problem shared problem halved? x
Since pride mysolef so strongly on being a skeptic, I thougyht I would point mys skeptokalt eye at tonights evebst
( PS I have made the conscios decision not to correct any typos tat may aopper oin toniuhtghts blog)
Well, I decided to go out to town tonight with my old friend Diffuse. Whilew thios cannot be proved by annecdotasl evidence, it nmay be...
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( PS I have made the conscios decision not to correct any typos tat may aopper oin toniuhtghts blog)
Well, I decided to go out to town tonight with my old friend Diffuse. Whilew thios cannot be proved by annecdotasl evidence, it nmay be...
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all this ain't as funny as it was when he wobbled back into the house. now THAT i'm sorry I didn't film. next time eh...
all this ain't as funny as it was when he wobbled back into the house. now THAT i'm sorry I didn't film. next time eh...
I wish
just once
I could stop being such a shivering, paranoid OC slave to the spell-checker and just wing it, as in the above...
And I'm so happy that digital cameras, not to mention the interweb, didn't exist back in my salad days
just once
I could stop being such a shivering, paranoid OC slave to the spell-checker and just wing it, as in the above...
And I'm so happy that digital cameras, not to mention the interweb, didn't exist back in my salad days