Be like water. Water can become anything. Pour it in a glass, it becomes the glass. Pour it in a bowl, it becomes the bowl. pour it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be like water. - Bruce Lee
so i have some photos in my photobucket account, you should peruse and see if any strick your fancy. let me know so i can send you your art i promised, i also have some shots that arent allowed on photobucket email me your selection to
i finally recieved the gift certificate... it was sitting on the table in delaware for 2 months and before that it was sitting in michigan.
One more day of work till I get a 3 day weekend. O.K., it's actually 2 1/2 days off due to an inventory I have to go to Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning. Everyone have a great & fun filled weekend!
Organic oven fries - $3.29
11 cups of organic oatmeal - $21.89
Making a jackass out myself so the cashier at Safeway has a reason to laugh after being treated so poorly by the customer in front of me - Priceless
Tell about a time where you went out of your way to brighten someone's day after they'd been treated poorly.
i don't know, but you just brightened my whole month. sempi!!!!! what are you doing sending me flowers?? thank you so much!! we're just on our way out of town, but they are so beautiful, i don't want to leave.
you are such a gift to the world, you and that heart of gold of yours.
There are many Malikas in France, though most are not of strictly French origin. I lived there for many years.
reagan is the correct answer!
so i have some photos in my photobucket account, you should peruse and see if any strick your fancy. let me know so i can send you your art i promised, i also have some shots that arent allowed on photobucket email me your selection to
i finally recieved the gift certificate... it was sitting on the table in delaware for 2 months and before that it was sitting in michigan.
photobucket for mleclaire