I posted this elsewhere. I'm going to post it here too, but it's been a long time since the people that love me have left SG (except for you @iggy). Hell, here you don't even have friends any more, just people you "Follow".
Okay, this is not a rant. Honestly. It *is* a gripe of mine.
I miss talking to my friends. I really do. I mean talking face-to-face with them, or at least on the phone. Email is okay if you want to send a mass blast out about how your life is, Facebook is okay if you want to get a few random snippets about someone's life, messaging is passable if all you want to do is ask a question or coordinate dinner, but actually connecting cannot be done over these mediums.
I am watching these friendships, these close friendships, drift away. It's painful. I know it's how things are now, but it's not how it should be. I long for that closeness. I feel like an intruder any more, when I want to know how someone is doing, when I'm worried, want to show support or just need a friendly voice.
Look, this is not directed at anyone in particular. I'm not trying to guilt anyone. I just.....
You know, I sat here for a long time thinking about deleting this, but decided to let it stand. I apologize if this upsets anyone, as this is not the intention.
I guess I just miss you all.
I get it, dude.