Ugh, what is wrong with me? I am so tired all the time. At the beach I actually took 2 naps a day, that's insane! I don't don enough to be that tired. I got off Wellbutrin and am almost 2 months out, and the anxiety it was causing is almost all gone. So glad about that. It was making sleep really tough. I'm doing some exercise again, even though I don't have any energy still, I'm forcing myself to do that at least. Looking for a beginning photography class. I've always love photography, so I guess it's finally time to see if I'm any good at it. I have a feeling I'll be technically good, but suck at artistic imagination, but we'll see. Not pre-judging, really.
It's raining all morning, so no real motivation to do anything. Bed is calling me for a nap, but trying to resist. I need to do so many things, but want to do none. Maybe if I make a list. Pick up dry-cleaning, go to grocery store, sharpen chopping tools (need to cut down lots of trees in the back), take good kitchen knives to get sharpened, fix the damned wireless.
Oh, the wireless. I have the Time Warner wireless/modem all in one, and their wireless is so bad it's unbelievable. It cannot even reach 2 rooms away. OMG I did not know they made wireless routers that sucked that bad still. So, I need to turn off the wireless portion of their router/modem and then install my own wireless to carry the signal. Okay, it probably won't be as bad as I'm thinking, but everything with TWC is a problem it seems, so I'm dreading this. But, I just need to stop whining, pull up my big boy pants and go do it. Okay, that settles it. The wireless, grocery store, and dry cleaning, at least, will be done today!
Good luck today with all your endeavors. I hope you all have a fabulous day.