This is a busy busy month for me. I'm going to the Reno Tattoo Convention the 9th-11th with McKenzie
prettydino and I have a photo shoot with glennsweet on the 20th. So fingers crossed this is the one to turn us pink!!!
Then on the 24th I am shooting a friends I'm really excited about that because it means a little extra money in my pocket. And the very next day I leave for Vegas baby!! I finally get to meet my boobie lover hbharvey!
Its already starting to get really hot here during the day...I was driving home today on the freeway and totally trying to take off my sweater at the same time....lets just say I had a few strange looks because my tank top was trying to come off with it..and wearing a bra isn't a habit of mine! haha
Well..I hope everyone is doing well..and I hope to have some pictures from the convention for you guys soon!!!
Addison I have been stretching to get ready for our work out! hahaha