Went and saw Lion, Witch, Closet last night...It was good enough...no serious complaints...I struggle with movies that have spawned from books that I have read--wow, what a terrible sentance...Speak English much? Talking it over with the GF, I think that it's because movies have such a finite amount of time in which to tell a story and develope characters. Sometimes, I feel like things are...
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I have to see that movie... that and King Kong!! I'm thinking I'll enjoy King Kong better skull
I HATE the BK King (was that redundant?) I'd rather hang out with TIm Curry dressed as "It" than the Burger King.

I'm not sure what's quite required to get approved at artspace but we did get approved so kudos to us.

I still have yet to travel to Narnia - I'm a bit afraid to as I don't think it will be as fascinating as my imagination was at 9 when I first read the book. What do you think? Cellar door kiss
Went and Saw Walk the Line with the GF Sunday. It was very good. It took me around 20 minutes to "see" Cash in the Joaquin Pheonix, but once I did, I was cool. Can you imagine going to some High School Gym to see Johnny Cash, Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, et alt? eeek
I NEED to see that movie!! How convincing were Joaquin and Reese? Is it worth the thousands of dollars they're charging at the theatres now? Cellar door kiss
Ok...Today has been a tad surreal...First off, I am working...and there are a total of like 3 other people in the building today!!! I could be walking around without pants and no one would know. Second, I get a call this morning from an ex...the ex that pretty much destroyed me for 2 years!!! Apparently she called because she was "thinking" of me...I thought it...
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how sad...i can't even begin to imagine
So, I am pretty much addicted to Lost...What's the deal with that?
I cannot figure it out...I have been SUPER tired for like a month now. This used to happen when I was running a lot in college and with Reebok, but not in a long time!
Oh, I drove the rally car in an even for the first time this weekend. Finished 3rd in our class! Woot!
Maybe you're not excercising enough. I know I don't and I'm chronically fatigued myself. Plus I work too damn much. I hear mono's going around too. Drink some green tea and relax. Cellar door kiss
In Northern Arkansas. I am from flippin, the program was so underfunded, we didn't travel much. My Sr, year, there was a "lack of interest" and was canceled. frown
Arrrrr me hardy.
Hobo Code

As inscribed in the Annual Convention Congress of the Hoboes of America held on August 8, 1894 at the Hotel Alden, 917 Market St., Chicago Illinois;

1.-Decide your own life, don't let another person run or rule you.

2.-When in town, always respect the local law and officials, and try to be a gentleman at all times.

3.-Don't take advantage of someone who...
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that's a pretty good code.
you got that right.
ARTICLE 1: Every Man has a Vote in Affairs of the Moment; has equal title to the fresh Provisions, or Strong Liquors, at any Time seized, and use of them at Pleasure, unless a Scarcity make it necessary, for the good of all, to Vote a Retrenchment.

ARTICLE 2: Every man shall obey civil command; the captain shall have one full share and a half...
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i can't read your journal. I'm drunk.

and yes, dirty panties is where I'm at wink wink kiss blush
I can't read it either - I'm too tired. Just wanted to pop in and see how you're doing. Cellar door kiss