It's funny how something you treasure so much can be taken away so quickly. So funny how the little things we once took for granted are the things we miss most. I love him, and will always love him. My only ope is that we can one day be together in perfect bliss without the drama, that ceases t amaze my very nature. To be able to know someones darkest secrets and still love them beyond a shadow of a doubt is something we must all take part in when true love is the object of which we have set our eyes on.
Fight for your love, and never let it go. But only if the feelings be mutual. I only wish he had the strength to stand against the troubles he faces and comes back.
I love you Jesse

Fight for your love, and never let it go. But only if the feelings be mutual. I only wish he had the strength to stand against the troubles he faces and comes back.
I love you Jesse


I'm really sorry that things are not going well, I really hope that he can over come all this and come back to you.