Wow, that is very nice. eeek eeek
It is good to hear you are still happy.
Yesterday was hell!!!!! I went and got my thrid installment of my outline for my new tattoo. I knew going in I wasn't in the right frame of mind. It was just pure torture. 4 1/2 hours I endured that needle. I couldn't block it out at all. Everytime she put that needle to my skin, I would tense up. I felt like someone beat...
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i love all your ink! that's a lot of time and a lot of pain. but pain can be good, makes you feel alive.

i am in a good place. i just haven't had a lot to say lately. i updated today, a little more then recently.
Life is crazy right now.

New job - interesting

New apartment - really nice

Start second job sometime next week - Restoration Hardware COOL!!!!!! Can't wait.

This Saturday - more tattoo outline - butt and leg - koi - mostly pictures below water-line

Need sleep bad, so good night.
Amazon.com has everything. I just brought a men's g-string from there. I went looking for new music and remembered I need a G-string for my next tattoo session. I've been looking for awhile. I tried buying them before but never really felt comfortable with it. Maybe it was the store or how the looked or I was running out of time. 2 weeks till my...
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The whole kid swap thing is pretty weird. Be glad your kids are older. I really worry about my 6 year old and the weekend visits. I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm like the bionic woman.
So where ya been? You leaving like everyone else around here or something? smile
It's 7:30pm on Saturday night and I'm sitting in front of my computer. What is wrong with this picture. I really need to start dating agian.

Moved more of my stuff into my apartment today. Rented a truck for next weekend and got a storage unit to put all my extra stuff in. I brought 4 chairs and 2 little tables for the balcony. I...
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Your idea about holding sounds great- i will have to try it with my kids.

I started moving things into the apartment this weekend. I hadn't realized how depressing it was going to be. The thought of finally selling my house and giving up Lucy hit home on Labor Day. Oh Well life goes on frown
I was wondering when that would sink in...I wish there was a way you could keep Lucy. I know I have had the feeling of a lot of things sinking in lately - I don't like it one bit. But as you say life moves on. I bet in the end the apartment won't be so depressing.

PS I haven't had time to comment on your incredible tattoo. It is going to be fantastic.
OH I am sorry here is some love kiss kiss kiss kiss
and a kiss for what you posted.
Busy week!

Paid 1st months rent. 3 weeks till closing and the person buying my house is going to take Lucy (bullmastiff) COOL!!!!

Sent away for a Restaurant Start Up Kit. (very nice)
I'm going to open my own restaurant or die trying. I can't stand working for other people. Unless they are on Suicide Girls.

Just got back from my tattoo artist. She finished...
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I went to the bar down the street last night. I haven't been in a bar for over 20 years. I thought I check this one out because it's so damm close to my house I could cwarl home if I had too. I got there around 8:30 and figured I would have 2 beers and something to eat. I was very humgry do to...
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how is bill maher's book? well, how is it so far? i'm just going to assume your not finished with it.
i'm not a fan of Bill Maher but i do like that rule biggrin

i hope i have the same type of relationship with my kids that you have with your daughter. Mine are so young right now, it's hard to tell how our relationship might unfold...
I went to the record store tonight and bought a lot of cd's. I can remember going to the record store every other day and buying records. One wall was completely covered from floor to ceiling with records. I also use to see ever movie that came out dom. and foriegn. Once the kids came it was all over. It went from seeing 2 to...
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kiss Thanks. I haven't been around alot lately. Got a new job (as a conductor for the railroad) ARRR!!! ... Anyway, it has been a tuff week and I am soooooooooo tired. But I have been riding the trains. whooot. smile
I have now not dated for 8 months. I have 4 months to go and we will see if I decide to start agian. At the present moment I have no desire to do so. With each passing day I beocme less lonely and much more content with being by myself. Budda said; happiest is found within.

I am happy at this very moment.
That is good, and very true.
Cuz sometimes even when you are in a relationship you are still very lonely. frown
finding happiness within is not easy. you are very fortunate. i feel i am on that road and hopefully one day, i can say the same thing.
My world in nuts right now.

1st someone bid full price on my house 1st day it was on the market. I accepted their bid. Husband loses job and deal falls through. New buyer sees house 1st day it is back on amrket and offers same deal. I will accept this offer too.

2nd people come and look at lucy (bullmastiff). Think she is a...
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Happy Birthday!

Wow, you're older than I am! smile
Happy birthday, baby! kiss
They are twins smile
Those cars are sooo cute!
Sounds like you are having some good fortune lately. I am sure all will be fine.
have a good day sunshine! kiss