mars volta tonight.
i've been waiting to see them since i was 16. i always liked ATDI but the volta suits me more.
this weekened was great. i went to fredericksburg to stay with my parents. my mom's big bellydance show was saturday night. i can't explain what it makes me feel to see her dance. i am so proud of her and her accomplishment in putting this huge (public!) show together in a small (close-minded) town like fredericksburg. the turn out was great. by the money they took in there was about 150 people there. me and vagrantmother served the beer and wine. we made almost $200 for both the local SPCA and women for women international.
so i've been bleeding for days now. i got back on birth control a few weeks ago. this time i'm doing the nuva ring. it's a rubber-like ring that i shove up my **you know what**. my tits have been throbbing in pain for a month now. but mr. mulholland has been helping out with that emmensely! thank you, baby!!! they are also getting bigger but i'm getting fatter so it sucks. hehe it's fun to talk about periods, and BC, and my vagina. it's cool because now my period is perfectly aligned with the full moon...
but here's the most EXCITING news! i have a baby.
on friday i picked up my new TINY pug-let. she is little, black, and absolutely perfect. i will post a pic soon-i promise. but i caution you, her cuteness is coma-inducing. i've been taking her everywhere and she draws crowds all along the way. this morning i snuck her onto the bus in my bag. hehehe. we've been having way too much fun. and last night she finally got to meet her daddy, mulhollanddrive. yes, go and congratulate him too.
it feels so good to be a little momma again.
oh yeah, AND i think i may have a job or two. i had two interviews last friday before i left town. one is for a barrista position at the hyatt. full time, great benefits, plus i only work three days a week, 5:30am-3:00pm(i'm a morning person).
the other one is at sun harvest (health food grocery store) for part time cashier. i'm gonna take both most likely. yay.
my life is so perfect that i'm starting to feel guilty.
well, my baby needs to poop so i'm gonna head outside.
hope everyone has a great week!
mars volta tonight.
i've been waiting to see them since i was 16. i always liked ATDI but the volta suits me more.
this weekened was great. i went to fredericksburg to stay with my parents. my mom's big bellydance show was saturday night. i can't explain what it makes me feel to see her dance. i am so proud of her and her accomplishment in putting this huge (public!) show together in a small (close-minded) town like fredericksburg. the turn out was great. by the money they took in there was about 150 people there. me and vagrantmother served the beer and wine. we made almost $200 for both the local SPCA and women for women international.
so i've been bleeding for days now. i got back on birth control a few weeks ago. this time i'm doing the nuva ring. it's a rubber-like ring that i shove up my **you know what**. my tits have been throbbing in pain for a month now. but mr. mulholland has been helping out with that emmensely! thank you, baby!!! they are also getting bigger but i'm getting fatter so it sucks. hehe it's fun to talk about periods, and BC, and my vagina. it's cool because now my period is perfectly aligned with the full moon...
but here's the most EXCITING news! i have a baby.
on friday i picked up my new TINY pug-let. she is little, black, and absolutely perfect. i will post a pic soon-i promise. but i caution you, her cuteness is coma-inducing. i've been taking her everywhere and she draws crowds all along the way. this morning i snuck her onto the bus in my bag. hehehe. we've been having way too much fun. and last night she finally got to meet her daddy, mulhollanddrive. yes, go and congratulate him too.
it feels so good to be a little momma again.
oh yeah, AND i think i may have a job or two. i had two interviews last friday before i left town. one is for a barrista position at the hyatt. full time, great benefits, plus i only work three days a week, 5:30am-3:00pm(i'm a morning person).
the other one is at sun harvest (health food grocery store) for part time cashier. i'm gonna take both most likely. yay.
my life is so perfect that i'm starting to feel guilty.
well, my baby needs to poop so i'm gonna head outside.
hope everyone has a great week!

the end was a little trippy. what part tripped you up?