at work with this song stuck in my head

la la la

I was lucky enough to share a hospital room with a gentleman with quite a few problems. His psychiatric difficulties, the stroke he had, and the part of his skull they removed to relieve the pressure were bringing him down enough that he couldn't find the call button, the phone, or the urinal,...
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Super Moon, come back Super Moon.


the superfortress was nearly empty and she surely wasn't there the first time i barely found the place and she was much nicer and smarter and smelled wonderful and struck at my weakness for girls that wear toe shoes with sweats and can help me with my SAN problems and jar me temporarily from the funk in which i wallow

I like to sit at the back at the high tables and watch people come an go. The local retirees for the pension plan priced entrees. The under-age looking to get served. The lonely and the lost looking to be out but not visible. They all had their reasons to come here. It wasn't for the sticky tables or spotty flatware. The decor leaves everything...
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Stranger in a strange land. Overly dramatic. Not such a strange land. You can still buy coffee at the green store, hamburgers at the yellow store, t-shirts at the red store, and you can't swing a cat in any of them without hitting a girl in a black North Face coat. It is oddly the same and yet foreign to me. I'm free of things...
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Thank God for friends and Ativan to protect you from your own worse enemies. Granted, sometimes Ativan protects you from your friends and sometimes your friends protect you from Ativan, but that's life in the continuum.

i'm going. i'm going but it ain't easy. i'm excited and scared. i've been in the womb so long. i'm anxious. i'm anxious about being anxious. anxiety has consumed me before. gotta' keep it in check.keep moving forward. quit. give up. surrender. move on. do over. ready player two.

I'm contemplating running away. Another town. Another state. But if my running away involves an FBI background check, am I really running away?