so, my last post was a bunch of bitching about small town life, right? today i was planning on writing about the stuff i do enjoy about living here right now, but after what happened last night i just can't do that, folks.
this is what happened:
jo lee spent the night last night and we are sleeping soundly when all of a sudden at 1AM the dogs of the house all start barking and going ape shit. i woke up and whispered to her "does it sound like someone's walking around the house?" we just laid there listening, when some dude walks into my room. i am just about ready to piss myself when the guy lights up the lighter he's holding, illuminating his face. lo and behold it's my ex-boyfriend from over two fucking years ago!!! my first reaction is of course to jump up and beat the shit out of him. jo lee (a saucy don't-fuck-with-me-bitch-red-head) just yells "get the FUCK out of here, randy!". and i would have followed suit but i was thinking "if this asshole's hopped up on blow and booze this could get scary if i'm mean to him". so i calmly ask him what in the fuck he is doing in my parents house at 1 in the morning. he says he called three times tonight and then starts bitching because i never return his calls since i've been back in town. TAKE A FUCKING HINT! i would have liked to told him that but instead i replied, "well, i've been fucking busy with two jobs, family, etc, etc,"
i was just so dumbstruck to have woken up in the middle of the night to this maniac in my bedroom. so i said, "let me walk you out, it's fucking late and you better not have woken my parents up."
he tried to keep talking to me on my front porch but finally i just said goodbye and shut the goddamn door in his face.
needless to say i couldn't go back to sleep. i feel so grateful that jo lee was there with me. i'm also grateful that my DAD didn't wake up and beat the dude's ass! actually, that would've been kinda cool...
i just keep thinking that this poor bastard must be crazy. who in their right mind would do something like that? i'm in shock. i feel so sad for him. he's just another fucking loser who's stuck in this town and well on his way to destroying his mind, body, and soul with drugs.
man, i only thought i didn't like sleeping alone. now i'm terrified of it. if only i could convince jo lee to sleep with me every night!
lesson learned:
despite living in a small town, you have to lock your fucking door.
now for some good news:
*just bought tickets to see EELS on the 9th -though someone will be sorely missed that evening
*have convinced jo lee to join suicidegirls! as soon as she's a bona fide member i expect you all to go kiss her ass!
p.s. does someone want to be my ninjacool body gaurd? i'm now taking resumes
this is what happened:
jo lee spent the night last night and we are sleeping soundly when all of a sudden at 1AM the dogs of the house all start barking and going ape shit. i woke up and whispered to her "does it sound like someone's walking around the house?" we just laid there listening, when some dude walks into my room. i am just about ready to piss myself when the guy lights up the lighter he's holding, illuminating his face. lo and behold it's my ex-boyfriend from over two fucking years ago!!! my first reaction is of course to jump up and beat the shit out of him. jo lee (a saucy don't-fuck-with-me-bitch-red-head) just yells "get the FUCK out of here, randy!". and i would have followed suit but i was thinking "if this asshole's hopped up on blow and booze this could get scary if i'm mean to him". so i calmly ask him what in the fuck he is doing in my parents house at 1 in the morning. he says he called three times tonight and then starts bitching because i never return his calls since i've been back in town. TAKE A FUCKING HINT! i would have liked to told him that but instead i replied, "well, i've been fucking busy with two jobs, family, etc, etc,"
i was just so dumbstruck to have woken up in the middle of the night to this maniac in my bedroom. so i said, "let me walk you out, it's fucking late and you better not have woken my parents up."
he tried to keep talking to me on my front porch but finally i just said goodbye and shut the goddamn door in his face.
needless to say i couldn't go back to sleep. i feel so grateful that jo lee was there with me. i'm also grateful that my DAD didn't wake up and beat the dude's ass! actually, that would've been kinda cool...
i just keep thinking that this poor bastard must be crazy. who in their right mind would do something like that? i'm in shock. i feel so sad for him. he's just another fucking loser who's stuck in this town and well on his way to destroying his mind, body, and soul with drugs.
man, i only thought i didn't like sleeping alone. now i'm terrified of it. if only i could convince jo lee to sleep with me every night!

lesson learned:
despite living in a small town, you have to lock your fucking door.
now for some good news:
*just bought tickets to see EELS on the 9th -though someone will be sorely missed that evening

*have convinced jo lee to join suicidegirls! as soon as she's a bona fide member i expect you all to go kiss her ass!

p.s. does someone want to be my ninjacool body gaurd? i'm now taking resumes
So, ok I'm not beatin around the bush anymore, when are we going on date. BTW, your ex sounds creepy, you don't have that kind of person here, where I live. Anyway, i'm tired from boatin around the lake. Hope everything is going good.
A pox on me for introducing such a chimera or anything not blissfull into your nocturnal reverie.