You know.. no, you don't. Nobody reads these posts. That's why I never make them. Which is why nobody ever reads them. A vicious, vicious circle, that one is.

I never know what to say in these blogs. I'm not an interesting person. My life is plain and normal; I don't do interesting things.

Perhaps I should just write stories here. Maybe someone would read...
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thanks! I appreciate it. but please do remember...I'm just a mindless drone of a killing machine....
oh definitely! no one lives in simi, haha ♥
I've been gone a while.. looks like some nice things have been happening to the site while I was gone. Bought Buckcherry's latest album for my iPod.. it's actually really good and a fun listen, esp. if you're the type that likes rock and roll. "Crazy Bitch" and "Next 2 You" are my favorites of the moment.

Spent some time with my father tonight gluing...
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I remember you!
glad you liked what you saw. thanx for your comment!
I think I give up.

Not that I'm going to kill myself or anything.

Maybe get drunk. Drunk sounds good.

- RC
Thanks for your comment on my last set! kiss
I hate having feelings.

You see, the problem is that feelings are, pretty much by definition, irrational. And, even more irrationally, the feelings in question are over a person that, for all intents and purposes, doesn't really exist.

I suppose I should back up a bit and explain. All of you people reading this (yes, all, uh, three of you) don't really exist, or at...
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love is for suckers. i suggest drinking. heavily. if nothing else, at least you'll forget you had a crush on someone in the first place.
Had an early Thanksgiving dinner on Monday for Owen, who has been stuck in Russia and hasn't had a proper turkey dinner in a couple of years. We are still chewing on the leftovers, too.. good stuff. smile

I'm starting to feel disconnected from myself, a very odd feeling to be sure.

- RC
Heh. You know what's really funny? A few hours after I posted here, my computer died again. So I wasn't as smart as I thought I was. Ah, well.

- RC
yea story of my fuckin life
I just got mine fixed as well.
Gah! Computer crashed Tuesday. Fixed computer today. Pays to be smart, sometimes.

Got Suicide Girls DVD. Funny as hell. Note to self: do not piss off SGs.

Computer still needs work, but my wrists are numb and I have a headache. Tons of spam to wade through in email box. Haven't eaten yet; woke up at 0900, slept 5-6 hours.

Interesting story for the day:...
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happy birthday dude smile
Happy birthday, baby! kiss
I haven't posted in a month.. I haven't even been here in a month. Since dad left, I've basically been taking care of things around the house.. and wouldn't you know it, but this month everything seems to have decided to break:

1) Electrical fire in kitchen. Called electrician; had hole cut into outside of house to preserve the nicely redone kitchen.
2) Dishwasher leaks...
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thanks dude smile

hey you should join sg ventura if you haven't already
Blah. And I thought my shit was bad. frown
My dad is heading off to war in an hour-twenty. I dunno what to think about it. He's not a front-line guy, for that I give thanks. Still, he's going to be away, and that makes my mum worry.

While he's gone we'll have our service star in the front window, though. It'll be his fifth tour over in the Gulf, too.

Anyway, that's all...
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Not going to type much right now; my brain is a little mushy from sleeping during the day and being awake at night.

Why do people who live off of food stamps take out loans to goto college? It seems like priorities are a little out of phase.

On another note, I haven't shaved in weeks. I hate how I look. But I can't shave...
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go get waxed?
"Do you have anything to declare?"

"Yeah, don't go to Philly."

So yeah, I've just returned from a family trip to Pennsylvania. I usually try to beg off going places, but this time I had to; it was for my uncle's wedding. The wedding itself was in a small town called Forty-Fort on Saturday. We spent the whole week leading up to that playing tourist....
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dude if i ever get married it's going to be in vegas. eff the church ceremony. i don't mind the after party but it really is for the friends and family. i'd rather get hitched by elvis, gamble and drink myself stupid, and then finish off the night in a room with a hot tub haha.

Well, thank you for getting that. I was starting to wonder if anyone would.

Although I wouldn't level San Francisco, it's not one of my favorite places. I've been to every major city in the continental US and also Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, and I'd definitely agree with LA as #1.