Chilling at home, listening to some tunes. Way to utilize that big, awesome city you live in, chief. I should work on them (non-existent) social skills. Haven't even picked up the banjo in a couple weeks, so it would seem that I am something of a funk. Blah. I badly need some sunshine. I don't know if I can handle five to seven winters that each last six months, so as soon as I am done with my coursework, it's back to the "sweet sunny south" for this boy, I think, provided I can keep my ass in school for that long.
Now playing in Rainerland:
Edit - Just got my ticket to see Mogwai on the 29th! And Battles play on the 30th!
Now playing in Rainerland:
Edit - Just got my ticket to see Mogwai on the 29th! And Battles play on the 30th!