I'm really enjoying my time off! I slept till 2PM today! I haven't been able to do that in a long time. I just finished reading another book by Chuck Palahniuk called Survivor,, took me only a daya nd a half cuz I couldn't put it down. I love the way he writes. Let's see... This evening I hung out with some Philly friends I...
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Just dropping by to tell you:
Happy Valentine's Day! kiss love
Thanks. Nice example. biggrin Sobriety has led me on more adventures, and allowed me more freedom than boozing ever did.

Hey, I just got the premier issue of MAKE magazine, for hardware hackers, modders. I bet you would like it-4 issues per year, a quarterly. MAKE Mag-see what you think. biggrin
I just realized I had hardly spent any time here this week, that's not cool! I've been insanely busy trying to finish the jobs I have going right now so I can collect final payments and go on vacation. I spent yesterday in manhattan dealing with a new computer virus that just hit. Some idiot put al the computers in this store on the internet...
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Well I have not spent as much time as usual on SG this week but thats phuking fine with me .. hope your vacation goes well guy.
I've successfuly managed to isolate for almost 2 entire days! Aside from a trip to the storage unit this morning to pick up another box of cds, I haven't left the house. I am a complete ass for talking to my ex when I shouldn't be.. Only thing that comes out of it is pain anyway.. Why do I still do it? Maybe I really...
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I suck! I was supposed to make it out to northern liberties for a SG local event, but I got stuck on a tech support call! Aside from the work related unpleasantness, I had a pretty good night. Went over to fix a friends computer and ended up going out to dinner with her afterward. I guess I'm just easy to please, but al I...
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Seems like any SG events in my area are always on a night when I have to be up early the next day .. now that sucks. Maybe though things will change later on.
What a long few days... I got back from NYC earlier this evening, but I'm just getting home now. NYC sucked, worked long hours and had problems with one of the clients. Too make a long story short.. I worked untill the wee hours of the morning to sort everything out and now it's fine.

I had a really good night in Philly. Met a...
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I feel a lot better today for some reason... not sure exactly why, but it sure beats the way I was feeling yesterday. I suspect that it's got something to do with the fact that I'm not all up in my head! (My head can be a scary place) Anyway.. I love the way music can change whatever mood I'm in. I woke up at...
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I'm just dropping by to say hello. kiss
I really need to get out of Philly for a while. Well.. maybe just this house.. Being depressed makes it more difficult to be here, but I guess it is the perfect place to isolate.. I've been doing paperwork, working on my website, and listening to Johnny Cash for the last few hours. I haven't taken a single call today which is not like me...
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Thanks for that. I guess we're going through the same thing... but i understand about holding on just because you've been together for so long. i feel like that's what im doing, but it's nearly impossible to know for sure until after it's all over. keep ya head up. wink
Any time a person leaves your life after being such a big part of it, you will feel sad. The fact that you broke it off may even make you feel guilty about being responsible for her absence in your life. It's just hard to feel like a big cunk of your life is missing, whether the breakup was necessary or not. I hope you try to keep busy and not dwell on it, or if you are thinking about it, think about the ways this will be positive in your life. Good luck. smile
I'm in a really shitty mood tonight... I just did something rather painful.. Finaly broke it of with the GF for good.. long overdue, but still painful! We were driving eachother crazy for a long time, but we both just kept hanging on. I dunno.. not much else to say other than I'm in a lot of pain about it, yet somehow I feel relieved..
frown you have my sympathy. transitioning out of a relationship always sucks, even if it's time to go.
letting go of things that are familiar can be so hard...even if they are not what you need in your life. they are still there and without them is the sense of loneliness...which is good and bad at the same time. (freedom and fear juggling themselves out) just remeber that we are here for you...your friends, thats is.

let me know kow it goes.
I actually got quite a bit done today even though I slept till noon.. It was nice to sleep in though biggrin So anyway... I've finaly finished my website, well at least the brochureware portion of it.. HPC Technology Consulting is finaly online and somewhat functional! Woohoo! I have to say it's not bad for something I threw together in 4 hours.

Aside from working on...
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Oh, you poor thing having to get up at noon... tongue
aww...take a nap...yeah migranes are the WORST. confused surreal .

i've been thinking about ya.

hope you had fun out there.
I didn't go to NYC today, I'm still in Plymouth Meeting! Why you ask? Well.. that's a long story... One reason is lack of sleep, the other has to do with a certain construction crew who decided to put flamable solovents in an electrical room. Ric called me this morning to tell me that untill they cleaned out the room, there would be no work...
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yay! I'm having a movie day, too. although, I will be getting the Z back from the shop later, so I will be driving around the greater bay area, too.
speaking of cooking .. something I do everyday being a single parent ....
Looks like I'm going to be in NYC for the rest of this week to finish a job.. These people are insane! They really think they will be able to move in by this weekend! There are no fucking lights in the house yet! Even if all three of us worked 16 hours a day for the next 3 days, there is no way that...
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good. I need a roommate. wink don't know if the_cowboy would approve, though......
that's for sure! (yes, I'll help you. I'll even help you find an area you might actually want to live in...)