When are you going on your trip? Looks like I'll be out of town the 2nd weekend of April, so don't come out then, 'kay?
Still no sleep for me.. I got home and found to my surprise that there was a check in the mailbox for $1700 from one of the clients that owes me money! Of course that meant another trip to the bank, so by the time I got home it was 8PM and that meant no time for a nap.

I've been listening to loud angry...
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Oh no, there's no money involved in my online chatting. Just time wasting and the liklihood of a shittier than usual paper for my Feminist Theory class.
Yea, I'm still a baby.
It's early Tuesday morning and I'm just now doing what I should have been doing yesterday. This is going to be a very long day.... I have 4 clients to see between 11AM and 6PM due to my current lack of qualified employees. I really need to hire some people because I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. I now have $2,700 in accounts recievable that's...
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I have ADD as well.

When do you hope to leave?
whats been up doll?
Being a computer geek can be a problem sometimes.. Particularly when I get sucked into a project like I did today.. For some strange reason, I woke up today and thought I'd like to run Free BSD on one of my machines, so I downloaded it, burnt the ISO and got to work installing it on one of my spare machines. This was around 10AM,...
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I slept all day today after a really long day in manhattan running on 2 hours of sleep. The good news is we were able to almost completely finish an installation in one day. Now I get to take a little break, well.. it's more like I have to take a break or I'll go nuts. I have been feeling burnt out lately and just...
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hi. smile

SF sucks for parking, too.
What a weekend! I haven't slept more than 5 hours since Friday night. Went out with friends and spent the night downtown Friday night. Saturday night on my way back downtown, I get a call from an associate in NYC.. Turns out the idiot electricain blew up the clients light touch system, so that means another 40 hours of work in manhattan! I get downtown...
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It's 5AM and I still haven't gone to bed.. I couldn't resist the chance to salvage 3 computers that were either bought for practically nothing or free! 6 hours later I have 2 more functioning laptops and a kick ass linux box! I ressurected an old IBM Aptiva workstation (167MHZ Pentium nothing) and threw Damn Small Linux on it. Unlike microsloth, it only took me...
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I like the purple hair. It doesn't show up as well in the profile pic. I think I might have to go get some sleepytime tea - I've been having sleep issues....
microsloth ..... biggrin
So the non-smoking thing is not going very well.. I'm still smoking at least three a day.. Can't seem to go without one in the morning with my coffee, one after dinner, and one before I go to bed. Oh well, progress not perfection!

I spent the night downtown last night wiring up a friends house for computer networking, phones, and cable tv. We didn't...
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well that was weird...i tried to reply to the comment you left me but it said that it was an offending comment and then it deleted the comment you left me...i dont know whats going on. i suppose i will alert the staff.

anyways...CO is good...people are a lot nicer here than in VA (so far at least)...not as much money in the biz but im in a shop with a lot less artists. i guess we will see how it goes.
I suck! I smoked 3 cigarettes today!!! I don't think I can quit all at once.. Hmmm... aside from that... dealing with some major shit right now and not handling it as well as I should be. Without getting into too much detail, basically what happened resulted in me losing all respect/trust in someone very close to me. Those of you who are familiar with...
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kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
quitting anything is hard but you have come this far and you will make it beyond this. as far as your sponsor thing goes - thats something that can totally screw with a person and make them do things that they dont want to...im sorry it happened...but at least YOU are still in a good spot aside from the smokes.

i hope things get better for you soon. kiss
I quit smoking as of 3PM yesterday and while it is probably the best thing I can do for myself right now.... I FUCKING HATE IT!!! I've been smoking since I was 13 years old so it's not something that's easy for me to quit. smoking is probably the worst of all the addictions I've had! At least the hardest to quit. I don't know...
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good luck! I quit 3 years ago, and it was super difficult, but the best decision I've ever made.

be sure not to be too hard on yourself. if your resolve weakens and you light up, don't think that you're unable to do this or give up.

let me know when you need support and I'm happy to give it to you... kiss
So much for relaxing this week! I spent the last 2 days cleaning my house and sorting thru computer/audio equipment. Anybody need about 20GB of old EDO RAM??? How bout a dual Pentium II server with 128MB tape backup? I've got 4 of them! Useless crap all over this house! I've even got a half dozen HP laser printers! The good news is I can...
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Wow, I can understand a home end-user being ignorant to a point. I don't understand a commercial venture being ignorant after education about security. Charge them double?
Don't service them again? The dilemma for the pro is, do you kill the goose that laid the golden egg? Or, you can argue,
isn't this who we're in business for? Trouble-shooting is real satisfying, but corporate ignorance/indifference is super-frustrating. mad

I love it- ARRR!!! ARRR!!! Better them than you. biggrin
OK, did 5 hours tonight cleaning up that friend's computer. Gateway's restoration disks, thankfully, let me, fdisk,format hard drive and re-install Win ME[don't say it]-then I put on Firefox, got her back on the 'net-then loaded a new fresh copy of IE6sp1 [from an AOL disc-damn things are good for something]-but prededed all that with re-install of McAfee AV, and ZoneAlarm-whew-I'm beat. tried HiJackThis-but even it couldn't clean up the mess the trojan/virus/worm had made- biggrin