I guess one good thing about having this place out here in plymouth meeting is the fact that I can listen to music as loud as I damn well please! Since I got home from work, I've been going through various audio/video gear that I've had stuffed in the garage for the last year. I found 3 power amps, a nice preamp, a subwoofer crossover,...
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Hehe, killer sound systems are always a plus. Your right in that you can blast shit as loud as you want aroud here. And if anyone give you anylip just tell them that you love to eat babies.
I'm almost happy that tomorrow is Monday.. I think I had way too much time on my hands this last week, especially the last couple days. I need to spend sometime in Manhattan this week, I need to get out of here! I've decided to just schedule as much work in NYC as I possible can this week so that I can spend almost the...
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I spent all night on the phone with various people from chicago trying to track down my younger brother, who for those of you who don't know.. went missing 3 weeks ago. After talking to probably 15 or more people, I was finally able to track him down this morning. He's living with a couple of other drug addicts (big surprise) and...
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good for you tracking him down.
How old is your brother?
I had a very productive day today even though I didn't get out of bed untill 10:00 this morning.. Spent some time advertising online and talking to a couple potential clients. I successfuly turned one of them into a paying customer, looks like I'll start on that job next week instead of going to NYC. I guess I was just stressed out over nothing, because...
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I wish. No such luck. At least it's less than 2 months now until he's home. We're thinking about living together. I hope his work situation is such that we can.
Well, I've managed similar tasks better than some of my male friends but I put this down to the fact that I am an obsessive reader of technical manuals.

$600 would be pushing it a bit budget wise for me at the moment and I'm still mourning the loss of my blue tooth stereo headphones which died a hideous death last time I moved house.
I think I actualy got 8 hours of sleep for once, and I really needed it! I woke up at noon for the first time in a while. I was on the phone again till 0 dark-thirty AM with a friend who has been having an even shittier week than I have. It was nice to hear from her, I was getting a little worried...
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I might be hiring you for some future work. I can build computers I just don't have the time. SOoo why not give the work to someone who knows what their doing. Not anytime soon mind you, just food for thought.
Today pretty much sucked... I spent all day putting out advertisements everywhere I could think of. I have no big jobs going on right now which means too much time on my hands and lots of stress for someone like me who worries about everything.. I mean I'm ok right now, but I need to be thinking about the next few months down the road...
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I stayed up way too late last night.. I was on the phone with a friend untill at least 4 this morning. She was trying to set me up with a friend of hers who also just got out of a long relationship. My first thought was BAD IDEA! Sure, let's take two people who just got out of long term relationships, who are still...
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Try 200 to get my ass out of bed at three am.
why did you move from chicago to philly?
It was no nice out when I woke up this morning that I didn't go right back to bed after feeding the cat. I actualy did something productive and mowed the lawn! I also took a ride over to this 200 year old farm house that's been abandoned for years and took some pictures with my camera phone. It's a cool place, I'd like to...
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you should post some pics of the farmhouse..sounds neat miao!!
What an exciting day I've had... I spent from 9AM untill about 20 minutes ago doing laundry and cleaning the house. I hate spring cleaning!! Part of me just wanted to buy a ton of contractors garbage bags and throw everything away. I've decided that there will be no more smoking anywhere in the house because everything smells like cigarettes! I've had to wash everything!!...
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I can't deal with cleaning unless absolutely nessessary. Hmm, reeses.
I'm sure you get this a lot, but Techy-Geek-Boys are awesome! wink xoxoxo Thanks for the comment on my set.
Ok, so I lied.. I never updated and now I have to go to work. I ran into another client while I was at the bank yesterday and it turns out that he needs someone to teach 2 of his employees how to use Dreamweaver and Photoshop. I can't think of an easier way to make an extra $400 a month! So I guess today...
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You have to make them dollars. More power to you and your enhanced computer skills.
I was going to write a nice long journal entry to entertain anyone who might read it, but I just got home, I'm soaked from the rain, I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I just want to relax for a while. I'll update later with more pictures from my little vacation and some other fun stuff.