hehehe, couldn't help myself, all I have time for atm...and this teaser, more to come = )
hehehe, couldn't help myself, all I have time for atm...and this teaser, more to come = )
Bwa ha ha ha ha haaaa too funny! Haven't done this in awhile and I found this goodness on my fb today, enjoy! = )
Hey hey Ya'll!
So I've been keepin myself rather busy lately and haven't had the time to do a proper blog for a bit. Life is really good and the awesome continues! I was pretty busy on my days off last week taking care of things that just come with newly arriving at a post and getting properly settled. There's always a task or two...
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Whatever ya got, a really close friend of mine's troop attempted suicide in WY. She's in the hospital fighting for her life. Anything ya'll can offer would be very much appreciated. It may be a wait and see at this point but I believe every little bit counts both for her and her family, thanks ya'll.
There really isn't any other place quite like where you're from, especially when you're from Portland! So this for all ya'll that don't know what you've been missing ; )
Ran across this and just had to share! It's got bunches of my favorite Places to include Powell's Bookstore!
Sup Ya'll?!
I had another uber killer weekend! I ventured into the heart of Tokyo, got some kewl pictures, chilled in a park, tore up Roppongi and then hit Fuji-Q Highland Park today with some of my buddies. And holy hell did a wave of awesomeness from ya'll ever come crashing in this weekend! I hope I didn't miss anything, been trying to keep up...
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Hey hey ya'll!
So it's been another fantastic weekend here in Japan. We kicked things off early friday afternoon with a trip to an all you can eat/drink Korean style bbq place (close enough lol) for one of our guys going away. Who's we? About 40 fire fighters! The house was packed! We all ate and drank to our hearts content. Then there was speeches...
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Hey ya'll!
I've really been enjoying reading everyone's 10 things blogs, it's fun learning random things about folks you'd likely never know otherwise, so here's mine.
1. I stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating really hard...which isn't often lol
2. I'm the strong silent type, I don't smile or frown often and consciously remind myself to smile when I'm out around lots of people....
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Hey hey Ya'll!
So I've had a very awesome weekend. I've got a pile of more cherry blossom photos since last thursday. They've peaked and I've got some good shots of them in full bloom. It's all downhill from there and it's been snowing petals in small flurries, which is really impossible to fully capture on a camera. Not that I didn't try but I...
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Hey hey Ya'll!
Hope this blog gets through, otherwise I'm going to have a really big pile of photos to share! So on with the cherry blossoms! I shot these along the Tama river on the western edge of Fussa. I'll be taking more later this afternoon along the famed east side of base and later this evening by the river again as it is...
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