this is the story I was workin on. what do you think?
Tristan slowly moved through the woods with his father clayborne. They are hunting for deer. Tristan loved stalking deer and enjoyed it even more when he was with his father. They come up on a glen and spot two bucks fighting.
Clayborne whispers remember we wait to see which one is the king...
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sorry not good at grammar.
I miss you smilesmilesmilesmilesmile

mmbut I get my machine back next week so I will be harassing you soon.
hey everyone I may be loosing sg soon due to no job. here in my yahoo im I would like to stay in contact with you all. kash1bru.
I am an idiot to think that a beautiful woman would think I am even good lookin. how could I be that stupid for thinkin that. I should go back in the army and go back to the sand box. maybe those idiots there can do it right then.
Hey, young man, take my advice and listen to the gorgeous babe's comment above instead of whoever put those ideas in your head! Trust me. wink
helloooooooooooooooo precious!
how are you honey???
a BIG kiss!blush

well it is almost holloween and right after that weekend I will be driving to washington state to call it home once a gain. I cant wait to get there and see my old friends. also to try and see some of my friends from here along the way up to there.
well well welll I hope you alll had a great fourth of july. I know I did. I went to lake charles la,. got to make bombs and play on a 70 foot slip and slide. work is going good just wish I was paid more but that is life. as most of you know I have my snake bites and am looking at getting...
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I am finally out of the army. thank fuckin god. I got my mohawk and going to get my piercings soon. I cant wait to get them. I am thinkin about getting a tatt on my face too.
hi smile you seem like a cool person to get to know
well I am down to 7 days and I am free. I will have my mohawk in 6 days and my lip pierced as well. I am still not sure where I will work yet but I am not worried about. there is an amtgard event next weekend to so I am excited to get the next week done.
well it is officail. I am a trolll. but I already new that. I put a pic on hon and damn I am a troll. but fuck it who cares what others think. most of the girls on there look like yupys anyways.
well I am getting ever closer to being done with being an endentured servent of the federal goverment. I have just started participating in amtgard it is alot of fun so it is cool. well nothing else really to say right now. just miss all my friends from here.
!!!!!! Interesting blush kiss
hello all. I am back home from iraq and having fun. I have gotten new tatts and working on more. I am parting and playing rock band every weekend. I hope everyone is doing good. I hope to hear from you all soon.
hello all. here I am again. have not been on for a while. just to tired. I am down to four months left here. I am so happy. I may be home for the new year that would be so great. I would love it. but just cant wait to get back. I am going to take a great leave. I am lookin to go...
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well it is mid aug. we should be coming home in afew months. we have not been doing to good. we have been getting hit alot. but we cant wait to get the job done and go home. I cant wait to get home and see eveyone. I have new friends from here that I want to go and see if I can.
glad you enjoyed my up close and personal set and I really like #10 too it's one of my favorites lol The scrunchy face lol hehe but thanks love I really appreciate it!!!
so here I sit in the sand box listening to dropkick murphys. daydreaming of getting home and seeing my friends. also look for a house so that I can have a place to call home. even though we are 5 months out it still seams so far away at times. some of the guys comming off of thier r and r say that people are...
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Dang sorry to hear your going to miss your best friends wedding frown Thats awesome about the house though yay!